Saturday, July 24, 2010

More this & that

It's been a busy week. Might have been busier if it weren't so darned hot! Wonder why you can sit at home for days on end but when you really want to relax and chill out, the phone rings almost insessantly with someone wanted a piece of you. Go figure!

Exciting (?) news on the homefront but cannot share it publicly just yet. Soon though.

Enjoyed the girls visiting on Monday. Mom brought them over to swim and visit a while. Still funny to watch the little one push her sister's buttons. One of those "pushes" took place in the pool.

I had gotten those kid-sized boogie board type things for them to use in the pool. Little Bit's was green (her favorite color) with a cute alligator so she promptly named it Captain Alligator. Holding it tightly in her arms, she told her sister, "First one who gets Captain Alligator wins. I WIIIN"!" Naturally, this brought the expected, "Mama!" reaction from her sister. Wonder how many times a day that happens?

Of course, they were playing like nothing happened in the next minute. These two love each other as much as I've ever seen siblings do this. So nice to see that in action.

They "helped" Mom make Daddy an ice cream birthday cake this weekend. In retrospect, perhaps the blue and green Cool Whip was not the greatest idea ever but made a good photo op.

As for me, I have to recuperate from actually cooking two things today. My good deed for a neighbor who had surgery last Thursday. I'll be back to normal soon, whatever that is!

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