Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Off again!

Off to Tybee Island in a little while. Will be there until Friday. More details later.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I have a few extra minutes so thought I'd add a little here since I'm not sure when I will have time again before July 4. We had a great time in Asheville. From there, we drove down to Lake Lure. Took the boat tour and saw where Jennifer Gray came down the staircase in "Dirty Dancing," also location of the scene where Patrick Swayze lifted her out of the water.

We took 64 over to 441 (the scenic way) on the way back. It's a really winding road but the view is worth it. It passes right beside Bridal Veil Falls so of course we had to stop there a moment and take a photo standing behind the waterfall.

Had a great evening with Thirtysomething and the gang Saturday evening. An excellent meal and the girls behaved beautifully. (Not sure what their Mom threatened them with but it worked.)

Saw "Jersey Boys" at the Fox yesterday afternoon and son #1 treated us to an excellent dinner at Ecco afterwards.

Today was fairly quiet. Started with a walk in the park before I saw the optometrist after lunch. After that, we walked up to the Margaret Mitchell House. Wound up walking back in the rain. Having a wonderful time and trying to decide what to do next!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Things I Never Thought I'd Say to My Children

Just a few of my favorite(?) things I never pictured saying to my children (during my pre-kid years, of course):

Stop smacking your sister with the banana peel.

Don't play with the dog's boobies, that's not nice, she doesn't like it.

Yes, that's poo-poo. That's right, it's bleah, we don't eat it.

We don't put peas into our ears.

We put food in our mouth, not (insert whatever is appropriate at the moment: toenails, trash, etc.).

Don't sit on the dog while you're wet and naked, you'll get fur in your behind.

And that's just a list from this week so far!

Losing my mind

Okay, enough! I'm seriously getting sick of cleaning up other people/animal's messes right now. I know it's part of life and I'll get over it, but I would love for something that I clean to just stay clean for a little while!

DH didn't get home until 10 last night, for the second night in a row, so he hasn't seen the girls since Sunday and they're missing him. Potty training is not going so great right now, with little one announcing that she's gone to the bathroom after the fact. One of the dogs threw up in the van this morning and the other one shed all over the rest of it, despite the towel I laid down for her. Little Bit also decorated herself with an ink pen she discovered in one of the pockets of the van, on the way to pick up big sis from Vacation Bible School, so that was a lovely sight to bring in so all the other parents and teachers could see how capable I am. Oh, and she was covered in dog fur, too, from loving all over aforementioned canine. Did I mention DH also brought in a bunch of stinky Tupperware containers as well last evening, after I had already cleaned the kitchen and started a load of dishes?

We're plugging along with potty training, however frustrating it may be short-term. It's the right time, I just have to have patience...and lots of spare underwear. Fortunately, it does have its funny moments. Yesterday evening she came to the table and her panties were stuffed with something in the front. Turns out it was a huge wad of tissue. When I asked why she put it in there, she said that it was "In case I have to sneeze!"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training

Well, Mom is having a grand ol' time showing her houseguest the sights of Atlanta and I'm potty training a two-year-old. Not hard to figure which is more fun, although I would venture to guess my life is pretty exciting right now, living in a perpetual state of anticipation.

Actually, I'm ready to get this stage done. She's ready, we're back from the beach, she's starting preschool in August, so it's the perfect time. I figure my house is already a mess from dog number two shedding his coat, so why not add a little excitement to the mix?

More updates later.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

This & that

Every time I go out without my camera, I miss a good shot! This morning it was a squirrel who looked as though he was drinking from a Starbucks cup. Darn! Might could have sold that one to Starbucks for a PR poster.

I rode with two ladies from my PPC Sunday School class to a low country boil at McDonough last evening. The couple there hosting it drives all the way to Buckhead just to attend this church. Now that's devotion!

I had a good time even though I didn't eat any of the gigantic shrimp, etc. Having everything I eat taste like sausage just isn't my thing but I really didn't go for the food anyway.

It's time to get a move on though. Need to finish dressing, drying my hair, and get out the door in about half an hour to get to church on time. Just counting the hours now.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Was it 1 or 2?

I got a third injection in my back yesterday. Or was it the fourth? Can't decide if getting two at the same time counts as one or two times. Should be two. It hurt twice as bad after the feeling started coming back.

It's fairly early but I'm heading out soon to get a few things done. Thought I'd walk down to the green market in the park to see if they have any more of that wonderful organic goats cheese like I bought last week. From there, I'm not too sure. I have some last minute grocery shopping but haven't made up my mind if I should do it today or tomorrow after church. I'm supposed to go to a low country boil this afternoon and I don't want to be totally exhausted.

Counting down. One more day!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy to hear

I was busy writing all day Wednesday and by the time evening rolled around, I was definitely computer weary so skipped posting that day.

I'm happy to hear the "kids" had a good vacation and everyone stayed reasonably healthy even though Little Miss Homebody was ready to return before their beach time was up. With all the stress and sickness, they really needed a break.

On a little better note, I just got back from the park. (I didn't have the spirit to even go there yesterday after seeing the travesty Thirtysomething mentioned.) and a few ducks apparently managed to escape the trappers. I only saw three Canandian geese on the entire lake though and the ducks are still skittish except for a couple of young ones. They've never been as friendly as the geese though but I guess having to battle all those turtles to save their little ones and keep them from chewing on their feet, makes them naturally so. Not to mention human foes!

I only took a little food but two of the surviving seven babies from a flock of ducks streaked across the lake to meet me when I tossed some in the water. Their mom stayed back so I threw in some more and walked away so she could eat too. I was delighted to see they had eluded the nets. From the behavior I witnessed by a pair of Muscovies, it won't be long before there will be some more babies in the park.

Note to Thirtysomething: Stay well! After Sunday, I will be practically (if not completely) invisible here until after July 4 so the burden will be on you. A trip to Asheville, an afternoon at the Fox, etc. etc. will consume most of my time as well as other "stuff."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back from the beach

Well, we're home and getting settled in. God answered my prayers and both girls were well for the vacation. No promises for after, throat has been sore beginning the day we left and I'm coughing up some nasty stuff. I think that's mostly sinus drainage, though, or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

The trip was good, the girls enjoyed it and Roo stayed in either the beach or the ocean essentially the entire time. Little Bit loved the ocean, but shied away from the pool except the first evening. DH thinks that since the water was really chilly in the pool while she was in it (the little pool) that she was hesitant to get back in again. She was very homesick, though, and more than ready to come home unless one of us was distracting her. She missed her pups terribly, and kept saying "I weddy to go home, see Ooby (Ruby) and Bear." Her hair got snarled pretty badly from the salt water, and we had to make a trip to the hairdressers when we got back yesterday for a rather grueling "detangling" session. She was pretty good for it, except the last five minutes when she tried to bolt.

We drained our vacation fund, but it was worth it. We've been saving for several months, even before the layoff, and needed a getaway very badly. Actually not too terribly expensive, since we shared the condo expense with the in-laws.

Some depressing news from the Mom-front: apparently the Piedmont Park conservancy deemed it necessary to remove the ducks and geese from the park this week. They were catching and loading them up in little cages yesterday to relocate them to "public and private ponds," whatever that means. The reason? They poop. I mean, c'mon, give me a break. I can't imagine they've had that many complaints about this. It's never been a mess when I've visited there, and anyway what do you expect when you have a huge pond in the middle of a park? Just crazy, and it made me feel sick to my stomach, thinking of those that might not make the trip and how confused and stressed out they must be. Why do humans have to screw up so many things?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Coming home

The wayward travelers are heading home this morning. And not a moment too soon for Little Bit apparently. When her mom called yesterday, she said this little girl is homesick and keeps saying she wants to go home and see Ruby and Bear (her canine companions). She likes the ocean but refuses to go in the pool. I'd have thought it might be the other way around but who knows why?

In retrospect, it doesn't surprise me that she is ready to come home. She's rarely been away for more than a couple of days since she was a baby and is accustomed to being here most of the time. Since she's gotten a little older, she likes to do her own thing and can entertain herself extremely well, the only exception being when Mom gets on the phone and her world seems to fall apart immediately. Or she cause's big sister's world to collapse.

I will be leaving before they get back so won't get to see them. I'm sure the dogs will be happy for them to get home though. They're pretty tired of eating chicken and Edy's Somoas Ice Cream and I'm sure they will be glad to get back to their normal diet of dry food.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Keeping my fingers crossed

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everyone in Thirtysomething's entourage is doing fine and enjoying themselves. Haven't heard from them so I'm assuming the best. Or at least everyone is still among the living and still speaking. I don't think I could have spent four days in close quarters with my in-laws but those were my in-laws so I won't judge by personal experiences.

I had a brain lapse and forgot to get my things ready Saturday night so I still had to do that after church and a Braves game with some Sunday School class members yesterday before driving out here so of course I forgot things, the main one being my journal with all my notes in it. I had such good intentions of finishing up the series on England but cannot do anything without the journal. So much for that!

It may be just as well though. These are about the neediest dogs I've ever seen. The neighbors took care of them Friday and Saturday but I suppose spending two nights alone left them feeling a little insecure and I haven't been able to move an inch without them since I've been here. They will probably be totally traumatized when I go out gas up my car later today!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

English Journal, Installment 5

Town Centre ~ Chelmsford
Excerpts from an English Journal,
Part Five

March 10: It started raining this morning, the first day I haven’t been awakened by bright sunshine pouring through the window since I’ve been here. ******* had a dental appointment today but other than that, we’ve stayed in. We’d planned a short walk but the rain put a “damper” on that. Not sure about him but I need some down time to recuperate from yesterday anyway. It was a really long day and I’m still a little tired, not to mention footsore from all the walking on our trek to London.

He took advantage of the break and did some ironing and a few other household chores he wanted to get done. I helped a little,Not with the ironing though! Not my “cup “of tea,” so to speak.

March 11: *******’s actual birthday is today even though the celebration isn’t until Sunday. Daughter-in-law J**** and grandson J***** dropped by midmorning to deliver cards and wish him Happy Birthday. Daughters J****** and J***** arrived with more birthday wishes about half eleven. ******* had to leave in time to call for her children at their school but ****** stayed for and we walked her home, about two miles. I like both his daughters but until now, I’ve spent more time with ****** and I’m growing very fond of her. She’s a very sweet person. (She’s also a Taurus so maybe that explains a little of it too.)

We saw church rector Raymond Brown on our walk to J*****’s. He was riding his bicycle from visiting parishioners and stopped to chat a few minutes. I couldn’t believe he remembered the date I’m supposed to go back to Atlanta. I only met him the one time at church Sunday morning and while I found him to be friendly and quite charismatic, we really didn’t talk that long. He asked me then how long I was staying but I had no idea he would remember it. I suppose things like that are what makes him such a popular figure with his parishioners.

Evening: ******* is an avid walker and organizes outings for a group of friends. They wanted to celebrate his birthday and he also wanted them to meet me (and vice versa) so he hosted a dinner for a few of them at Waterfront Place tonight. It’s a lovely pub on the banks of the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation. It‘s known for the quality of its food and a view of the water adds a soft ambiance to the setting. His friend Derek drove us there where we were met by Anita, Espé, Mary and Wendy. Group regular Stan was just out of the hospital, recuperating from food poisoning he contracted while on holiday, and unable to be there.

Again, the food theme. They ordered various starters and half of them ordered Braised Shank of Lam on Puy Lentils with Green Beans as their main course. (These lentils are called Puy after Le Puy-en-Velay, a commune in South Central France where they are grown.)

Lamb seems to be very popular here but in keeping with my vow to try new foods (as well as not eating red meat), I went a slightly different route and ordered Warm Chicken Liver Salad with Pine Nuts & Pomegranate Dressing for my starter and Chestnut, Leek & Mushroom Pie with New Potatoes as my entrée. Both were fantastic. Still no Margaritas though so I settled for Diet Coke and Jack while the others shared a bottle of wine. Jack because there were no Margaritas and Diet Coke because it offsets calories in the Jack. That’s my excuse anyway and I’m sticking to it.

The chicken liver salad I had was more than good. It was not in pâté form even though pâté is often used in preparing dishes with the same name. On a personal level, I thought this was much better as puréed meat tends to be a little too sticky for my taste.

Far from being bland as the name might sound, the Chestnut & Leek pie was seasoned well enough not to be. I don’t know how they made it but I do know it has puff pastry on top and was one of the best things I’ve had so far. The roasted potatoes were very good too. Several plates of fresh steamed seasonal vegetables were placed on the table but I had no room for them so didn’t partake.

Derek brought a Marks & Spencer chocolate birthday cake that we all shared small slices of for dessert. It was filled and covered with chocolate ganache, lightly dusted with cocoa power, decorated with fine dark chocolate pieces and finished with dark chocolate scrolls. I’m almost glad I don’t have the recipe for it. It was sinfully rich and worth the indulgence but I couldn’t splurge on it very often or I’d have to shop for new clothes!

After dinner, the group presented ******* with a lemon tree about three feet high, replete with several large, almost ripe lemons. I rode home with it sitting beside me but didn’t touch it though. With my brown thumb, it might not have made it home. Derek also gave him a microwave later, a gift he really didn’t want but was quite gracious about it anyway.

March 12: We had a leisurely breakfast before walking into Chelmsford’s Town Centre to shop a little and let ******* attend to some business. It’s a little chilly here but a two-mile walk does tend to warm you up a good bit. I bought some post cards and my best purchase so far, a British dictionary. Now I don’t have to ask for translations on everything I don’t understand.
We also had tea while we were out. Or ******* did. I had Diet Coke and we both had a sweet with our beverages. J***** and her brother K**** are coming over for dinner tonight so we aren’t going to prepare lunch, just settle for some cheese and fruit or a sandwich I think.

Late Evening: Culinary skills were shining again tonight. We had some delicious Scottish salmon with roasted parsnips (at my request) and some other veggies and tarts for dessert. K**** works for Barclays Bank out of Cambridge and had to rush off immediately after dinner for a work related matter. J***** had walked over earlier so we drove her home and had tea after we returned. I’m not ordinarily a tea drinker and rarely drink hot drinks of any kind but I’m beginning to fancy a cup of hot tea with a little cream, especially the Yorkshire tea ******* uses. He makes the best “cuppa” I’ve had so far.

I also had my first Hot Cross Bun tonight. These were not homemade but came from Marks & Spencer, a store known for its good bakery. I’m not quite sure what I was expecting but it was good, especially with a little homemade plum jam.

It’s off to bed now. Not quite sure what we are doing tomorrow but it’s probably going to be another long day. We’re also having dinner with friends Stan (badminton Stan, not “walking” Stan mentioned earlier) and his wife Sheila later so I should probably try to get some rest tonight.

Note: When I emailed Waterfront Place a few days ago, head chef Tristen Easter kindly shared his recipes for Chestnut, Leek & Mushroom Pie and Warm Chicken Liver Salad with Pomegranate Dressing and I am including them here. The recipes and directions for these dishes are just as he sent them. The abbreviation dsp stands for dessert spoon. It’s approximately the size of a soup spoon in the USA. Easy conversion tables can be found at


Warm Chicken Liver Salad with Pomegranate Dressing
(Courtesy of Tristen Easter, Head Chef Waterfront Place, Chelmsford, Essex)
Serves 4

300 g (2/3 lb.) chicken livers
100 ml milk
1 dsp olive oil
100 g mixed lettuce (washed)
Sea salt & cracked black pepper
20 g Pine nuts, toasted (28 g = 1 oz.)
Spring onions


100 ml red wine vinegar
1 Pomegranate
50 ml Red wine
50 g Cranberry sauce
Pick the chicken livers of all the sinew and soak in the milk for 20 minutes.
Remove the seeds from the Pomegranate and keep them to one side.
Add the wine, vinegar and Cranberry sauce to a pan and reduce by half.
Add the seeds and reduce again until you are left with a pouring syrup consistency.
Leave to cool.
Drain the livers from the milk.
Prepare the lettuce.
Cut the cucumber into thin batons and chop the spring onions.
Lightly toast the Pine nuts.
Get a frying pan hot and add the oil.
Fry the livers for about 30 seconds on each side. Add the seasoning and keep the livers moving so they don’t burn.
Place the livers on top of the salad with the Pine nuts and drizzle over the dressing.
Serve immediately.

Chestnut, Leek and Mushroom Pie
(Courtesy of Tristen Easter, Head Chef Waterfront Place, Chelmsford, Essex)
Serves 4

1 x Leek
50g Chestnuts
100g Button mushrooms
1 small onion
2 garlic cloves
1dsp Olive oil*
100ml White wine
Chopped thyme to taste
100ml Double cream
1 dsp Wholegrain mustard
4 x 10cm2 Puff pastry

Roll and cut out the Puff pastry.
Sweat the onion and garlic in a pan with the olive oil
Chop and wash the leek and add it to the pan.
Chop the Chestnuts into smaller pieces and add them.
Add the Mushrooms.
Keep mixing the pan until all the ingredients have coloured slightly.
Add the white wine and chopped thyme and the seasoning.
Reduce the wine by half.
Add the cream and bring to the boil.
Stir in the mustard and turn the heat back as low as possible.
Brush the pastry with egg wash and season.
Bake the pastry at 200º C (392º F) until it has puffed up and turned golden.
Serve the filling straight on to plates or in individual cocotte dishes and place the pastry lid on top. Serve with new potatoes and vegetables or with chips and peas.

Braised Lamb Shanks

6 lamb foreshanks
Coarse salt
Freshly ground black pepper
3 T. plus 1/2 cup olive oil
2 ribs celery, roughly chopped
1 carrot, roughly chopped
One large Spanish onion, coarsely chopped
1/2 c. tomato paste
5 sprigs thyme1 bay leaf
1 T. black peppercorns
3 anchovy fillets
1 whole head garlic, cut in half
2 c. red wine
1 c. dry white wine
1/3 c. white vinegar
1 t. sugar
1 c. veal stock or 1 c. demi-glace
2 c. chicken stock

Preheat the oven to 325º F. Season lamb shanks liberally with salt and pepper. With a sharp knife, cut about one inch from the bottom (narrow end) of the shank bones down to the bone and all the way around to help expose the bone while cooking. Set aside.
Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a pot over medium-high heat. Add the celery, carrot, and onion to the pot, and cook until very soft, 8-10 minutes. Add the tomato paste and cook 1-2 minutes.
Add the thyme, bay leaf, peppercorns, anchovies, and garlic, and cook another 2-3 minutes. Add the red and white wine, vinegar, and sugar, raise the heat to high, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat to medium and add the veal and chicken stocks. Leave over medium heat while you brown the shanks.

In a sauté pan over medium-high heat, brown the shanks well in the remaining 1/2 cup of oil on both sides, about I minute for each of 3 sides. Use tongs to flip them over.
Transfer the shanks to a roasting pan and pour the stock mixture on top. Cover with aluminum foil and cook in the preheated oven for 1 hour. Remove the foil and cook for another 3 hours, turning the shanks over every half hour until the meat is very soft.

Remove the shanks from the braising liquid and strain the liquid. Skim any fat that rises to the surface and use the liquid as a sauce. Serves 6.

At least it isn't raining

I thought the weather people predicted sunshine today. Haven't seen any yet but at least it isn't raining. Yet.

Just walked down to the green market at the park. They have wonderful stuff there and most of the produce is organic. Unfortunately, it is also very expensive but I did break down and buy some Chevre this time. It's made out in Carroll County, just west of here, and the guy said he often sells out before he can bring it into Atlanta. Probably the reason I don't remember seeing him there before.

Thirtysomething and her crew got off the the beach yesterday. I haven't heard anything so I'm assuming everything has gone well and both girls are feeling okay. I hope so for her sake. For theirs too but especially for her since she's been cooped up with them so much the past three weeks.

I did promise I would dog sit Sunday and Monday so am headed out there after a Braves game with my Sunday School class tomorrow. Maybe I will finally buckle down and finish this series for the paper. My guest is arriving next Sunday and I want to be finished before then for sure. Just keep praying for me to have a little more self discipline I need it for sure!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My new job

I missed my calling as a "water witch." It seems every time I go somewhere for a specific purpose, it storms the whole time I'm there. I did a long day trip today to get my hair done and got stormed on all the way there and back. Even saw a really bad accident (with fatalities) so am doubly glad I made it there and back safely. Tired though and calling it a day soon.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


One more day and one more member of the family getting sick may push me over the edge!

Thirtysomething's in-laws are planning to take them to the beach for a few days and they are very excited about getting away for a few days. The oldest granddaughter had a temperature and didn't feel well yesterday and now her dad is sick. Hopefully they will be able to leave on time. I think the sea air and getting away from all the little germ factories running around their neighborhood has to help. Couldn't hurt for sure!

Son #1 has been bothered with an eye problem all week and it has gotten progressively worse. Three trips to the doctor and a CAT scan so far since Monday. Just crossing our fingers this last round of meds will kick in and take care of it.

I won't get sick, I won't get sick, I won't get sick....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Geese and more geese

Today, these little geese acted as though I have been feeding them every day instead of it just being the second time I've ever given them food. They are really sweet though. They nibble my fingers but it isn't painful.

Monday, June 1, 2009

An interesting day?

It's been a good day. At least what I remember of it anyway. I went to the park early but the "Old lady of the lake" wasn't in her usual place. I only had a little bread that so I walked on around the lake. I've never fed the Canadian goslings I've been watching, only stopping to talk to them. Yeah, I know it sounds pititful but they seem to like it.

When I spotted them on the lake, I stopped and was quite surprised when they came out of the water to meet me. I knelt down and in a few minutes I was surrounded by 8 babies and 3 adults just watching me for a change. I decided to give them the few crumbs I had and of course, they ate them eagerly. When the bread ran out, they started nibbling on my fingers, to see if they were edible I suppose. They didn't hurt me at all but it was pretty funny. This was the highlight of my day so I suppose that says something about my social life!

After that, I finished my walk and came back to get ready to go in for the second in the series of injections in my back. This time, I agreed to take the Valium. It did help but after I got back about lunch time, I decided to lie down. Except for one phone call that interrupted my "nap." I slept until 8 p.m. Quite a long nap for me, or anyone else I suppose. Anyway, I walked over to the Biscuit for something to eat and I actually think I might be able to go back to sleep. We shall see in a little while. A lost day but I do feel rested for a change.