Monday, June 8, 2009

Keeping my fingers crossed

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everyone in Thirtysomething's entourage is doing fine and enjoying themselves. Haven't heard from them so I'm assuming the best. Or at least everyone is still among the living and still speaking. I don't think I could have spent four days in close quarters with my in-laws but those were my in-laws so I won't judge by personal experiences.

I had a brain lapse and forgot to get my things ready Saturday night so I still had to do that after church and a Braves game with some Sunday School class members yesterday before driving out here so of course I forgot things, the main one being my journal with all my notes in it. I had such good intentions of finishing up the series on England but cannot do anything without the journal. So much for that!

It may be just as well though. These are about the neediest dogs I've ever seen. The neighbors took care of them Friday and Saturday but I suppose spending two nights alone left them feeling a little insecure and I haven't been able to move an inch without them since I've been here. They will probably be totally traumatized when I go out gas up my car later today!

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