Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back in Business

Whew, the modem has been exchanged and we seem to be back in business. I'm not popping the champagne cork yet, however, since my laptop still seemed reluctant to start up this morning...not a good sign. Hopefully, just a temporary snafu....I have been somewhat surprised at just how much I depend on the Internet for daily tasks, essentially how everything in our society depends on it. I feel so sorry for those who fall on the other side of the "digital divide," namely some of the senior citizens I see at the library who need help & guidance from the librarians just to make contact with organizations.

On another topic, Little Bit and I just finished having lunch at Roo's school...always an ibuprofen-worthy experience. I know the kids are excited to be able to eat lunch and talk a little, but the cafeteria is sooooo loud sometimes. Even Roo is covering her ears. It was good to see Big Sis during the day, however....we miss her sometimes and she gets really excited about us being there.

Hope Life is resting up for another "fun-filled" morning with her granddaughter...God bless her...

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