Friday, March 27, 2009

Back in the USA

I reluctantly left the UK yesterday afternoon (their time). The plane was delayed over an hour for takeoff and the flight was long but I finally got here and out of the airport about 8:30 p.m. (Atlanta time). Son #1 hadn't had dinner so we stopped at the Flying Biscuit before continuing on to my apartment. They all seemed happy to see me and wanted to hear all about my trip. One server called me "Dame ***" and the others groaned, saying now I'd expect all of them to call me that. Told them that "Her Majesty" will do just fine.

I'd been up for 21 hours before I finally got to bed about midnight. I slept a long time after I got there and thought the same would happen here but I woke up shortly after 5 a.m. and haven't been able to go back to sleep.

Lots of catching up to do but I promise to post more about my "adventures" as soon as I get some little things like paying bills, grocery shopping, etc. out of the way. BTW, the weather there was especially good for this time of the year there I was told. Only rained two days out of 21 but now it seems I've come back to a monsoon!

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