Monday, March 9, 2009


Well, the doctor's appt. went well! Everything looks good, Roo has grown 2 1/2 inches since last year and is in the 90%+ percentile for height, which I don't think she's ever dropped from (DH and I grow 'em tall...quite a feat considering I'm only 5"3!). The girls definitely take after Daddy on the height.

Four vaccinations plus a finger stick made for a pretty unhappy girl, but she actually did really well. Thankfully, she behaves a lot better than I did for my shots, which is REALLY fortunate considering how many they are required to have nowadays. Remember crawling through the car and having to pry my little hands from the interior when it was time for me to go inside the doctor's office, Mom? Betcha don't miss those days! I'm just so glad to be done.

DH is going to make a quick trip to Lafayette this week to see his grandparents. Probably a good idea since he won't be getting much vacation time for awhile, and his grandfather's dementia is getting worse. The past few days, he thinks his wife of 50 plus years is his hired help, or his mother. Really, really sad and tough for his whole family right now.

Speaking of sad, hubby attended a funeral today. A former co-worker's wife died of cancer this past Friday. She was only 43 and left behind two young children. Even though she was a nonsmoker, she developed stage 4 lung cancer. The doctors wasted precious time misdiagnosing her with a sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, etc. for three months before she was finally correctly diagnosed. Who knows if it would have prolonged her time any, but you have to wonder what if. Anyway, it was really one of those mornings where you hug your children and think of how grateful you are to be alive. It's so sad to think of what she's going to miss. I think I'm going to quit talking about it, because it's making me tear up as I type.

On a happier note, Mom made contact with my brother yesterday and she is having a great time in merry old England. I'm hoping to speak with her soon and get the "inside scoop."

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