Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome home, honey!

Well, DH got quite the reception after being gone all week to Louisiana. Roo woke up yesterday morning exceedingly grumpy, which is very unusual. She normally wakes up in a great mood, even if she didn't get much sleep (heaven knows where she got that from, since neither her Daddy nor I are exactly rays of sunshine in the a.m....she even told her teacher at Thanksgiving that "My mommy is VERY thankful for her morning coffee!"). Anyway, last night when it was close to bedtime, she announced her tummy hurt. I gave her some Mylanta but thought some of it was probably b/c she was so tired. Well, she kept getting up and finally started crying and asked if she could sleep with us. I told her yes, and she snuggled in between. After several tummy rubs, she and I both fell asleep. After a few minutes, I heard her moaning "" in her sleep. I patted her on the back, thinking she was dreaming. Then it hit. She threw up every bit of food she ate yesterday, and a nice portion of it landed on her Daddy's back. Daddy, who was sleeping so hard he was snoring, practically levitated off the bed...I've never seen him get out of bed that fast! Then she ended up sticking her foot in it, and, well, I'll spare you the rest of the details. Suffice it to say, we were doing laundry in the middle of the night, and I have been going at it and disinfecting everything a good portion of today. Fortunately, she has not had any more episodes and seems to feel much better today, except some dry coughing. Well, DH can't say it isn't interesting around here!

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