Friday, March 20, 2009

Puttin' on the Green, and other misadventures this week

Okay, I know I've been remiss in posting this week, but I promise I have a good excuse. Actually, several.

The first is that Little Bit caught the bug Roo had, and got nasty sick St. Patrick's Day. She had been rather ornery that day, but I thought she was probably just tired or whatever, since I didn't see any other symptoms. The thing is, I've really been talking up the holiday and tried to make it fun for the girls this week, since this is their daddy's first week back at work after four months of unemployment, and I knew he'd be putting in some major hours (I underestimated, but more on that later). Well, we did all sorts of crafts and fun stuff, and I made the food thematic, too. In hindsight, giving the "wee lasses" some "leprechaun fizzies" (lime sherbert and generic Sprite concoction) was not the best idea in the world. Little Bit threw up every bit of it. All over the kitchen. And the walls. Lime, no indeed, NEON green colored. Frankly, I didn't know where to start. She landed some in my supper as well, so that wasn't an option. Poor angel, she got sick one more time in the middle of the night, but that was it. Therefore, Wednesday morning at 4:30 when I started getting sick, I thought it would pass relatively quickly, seeing as it was not too long lasting for them. Boy, was I wrong! I was sick as a buzzard, as we are fond of saying in the South. Thank God my mother-in-law took care of the girls all day for me, because I couldn't keep anything in until about 4:00 that afternoon...not to exaggerate, but I truly thought I was going to have to be taken into the ER for some fluids or something. Anyhow, much better now, but I missed dropping off all the consignment things to our preschool that I've been working so hard to detail and tag the past several days. Oh, well.

DH is doing well at his job, the little I have seen him this week. On the bright side, he doubled what was supposed to be his weekly wage since he's been averaging at least 12 hours a day. On the down side, his girls miss him terribly. I'll be happy when it slows down some and we have a nice medium there. I've got my apps in at the local preschools, including the one Roo is at now, and am praying that the right position comes available and works out for us.

Mom is apparently having a grand, though exhausting time in England. She has one week there, and seeing as I've managed to miss two of her calls, I'm really anxious to hear all about her travels. I must admit to a bit of envy! I've always wanted to go to England. As a matter of fact, after I close this, I am going to relax in the tub with my latest Agatha Raisin novel.

1 comment:

Life After 60 said...

I think I'd prefer wearing emeralds for my St. Paddy's green!