Monday, December 21, 2009

Pluses and Minuses

My first tree in a really long time. I didn't get the limbs very straight (because of the splint on my thumb) but it looks much prettier than it appears in the picture. Santa does need to add a few extra gifts beneath it though.

The good news first. I actually put up a Christmas tree for the first time in seven years, and the roof hasn't caved in yet! I had a weak moment when I found a small Cashmere Pine that was half price. Of course, by the time I bought enough purple and silver ornaments to decorate it, it wasn't much of a bargain. At least it was prelit so that saved a little. On second thought, if it hadn't been, I wouldn't have bought it and would have saved a lot more.

The second good  news item is that I get my stitches out Wednesday so I can finally take a long hot bath without trying to keep my thumb dry. It's really hard to enjoy a good soak when you have to keep something besides your head out of the water.

Plus and minus, Little Bit is feeling better but her big sister is sick too. The pediatrician said the little one has pneumonia, croup, and an ear infection and Roo is "about two days behind her." At least they aren't in the hospital and just crossing our fingers for them to be well enough to enjoy Santa this year. It won't be long before Roo stops believing and I want her to enjoy it as long as she can.

I guess when it rains, it pours. Maybe it will pour blessings next time.

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