Friday, December 18, 2009

Silent Night, my foot!

Okay, I want to know what all this silent night, peace on earth stuff that I keep hearing on the radio is all about, 'cause obviously it is not happening at my house. With DH working second shift and now taking on an independent extended outside project to make some extra cash, combined with my part-time job and Roo's school, etc., there is not much silent or peaceful around here. I'm glad Christmas is right around the corner, because as much as I adore the preparations and excitement surrounding it, I'm getting a little worn out. Little Bit is sick again, apparently with the virus that's infected several kids in our neighborhood and that she picked up at a recent birthday gathering, and was awake night before last from 10:30 until almost 2:00...then back up again at 7:00...still recovering from that one...DH's grandfather is not doing well, actually so poorly that his grandmother told us to be sure our funeral clothes are ready, so we're kind of always on edge, half expecting to get that phone call summoning us to Louisiana.

With Mom's surgery and the other grandmother in Louisiana for the past month, we have decided to try DH working second shift for now & keeping Little Bit while I work three 1/2 days a week, which is actually working out well for the most part. The downside is that he hardly sees Roo and that we kind of feel like ships passing in the night, with neither of us getting a break, much less any amount of time together. Still, I'm truly grateful that his employer is working with him and that he has a job, esp. with the economy. If nothing else, the stresses of the last two years have shown me that we can and will work together for the betterment of our family, and that is beyond value.

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