Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wonder if my license is still good?

I burned my dinner in the microwave tonight. Again! And the odor from the piece of chicken I cremated in it last week hasn't fully dissipated yet. It wasn't as bad tonight but not much could top that small, blackened piece of stinky blob I turned that into. If I keep this up, my "license to cook" may be revoked. Or changed to "license to kill." Getting too careless in my so-called golden years~ more like charcoal ones right now!

One more day with Little Bit this week and her Dad is taking over for a while. He's rearranged his work schedule so he can go in later. Hopefully, she will be over this croup thing and the weather will be nicer for them next week. Today she found a knitted cap, pulled it on her head, went to the door, and said, "Please, can I go outside?" Aside from the fact she was barefoot and wearing no jacket or shoes, it was raining cats and dogs. She's bound to have cabin fever from being shut in for almost a week and I felt really badly that I couldn't take her out.

With my cooking mishaps, I am now forced to go grocery shopping. I really needed to stop on the way back today but I saw too many stall outs and accidents and decided I wanted to get in and stay in while I was still unscathed.

It's been a fairly quiet day (for me) and I have lots to do. Maybe my life will start being a little more interesting soon...

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