Friday, August 22, 2008

I do have an excuse...

Yes, I admit it. I'm a slacker. But between the long-promised trip to the Aquarium and preschool Open House yesterday, I was too exhausted to even log onto my computer. The girls are taking a morning bath and arguing over Barbie dolls right now, so I'm taking any minute I can carve out, at least until/unless it escalates.

At least my DH got to take a nap yesterday. The four-year-old (who stopped napping at two anyway) wouldn't lie down after our LONG Aquarium excursion and subsequent lunch out which was a near-disaster between potty trips and an exhausted toddler. She decided instead to help me by cleaning up downstairs rather than playing in her room while I rested, which of course translated into me having to stay up so she wouldn't completely rearrange it into an HGTV "before" scene. I must admit to being a tad resentful that he slept 2 1/2 hours while I got nary a wink, despite letting him sleep in yesterday as well (he took the day off to spend with us before school starts). It seems as though that's the way it always goes, right? I don't know what it is about the power of sleep, but when you don't get it and your significant other does, it definitely creates strife. BK, I never thought I'd be the type of person to keep mental "score" of who gets the most shut-eye. I'm trying to be better and see the big picture: a great husband, father, and friend whom I'm extremely blessed to have. But just once, I would love for him to say "Honey, I know you are exhausted. Let me take care of the kids while you get some sleep" instead of just zonking out and leaving me to it 99% of the time.

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