Friday, August 22, 2008

Just Pondering

I've just been sitting here musing about the different stages in a woman's life: where I am, my mother is, and my little girls are. Though our needs are certainly different depending on the stage, one thing that remains the same is the need to love and be loved. You need that assurance when you're small, in that you will be taken care of and have a soft place to fall when you venture out into the world. As a mother of young ones, you're more focused on giving (sometimes until you're exhausted) and have to balance that giving of love with what you need as well. The love of a small child is unconditional and one of the sweetest gifts of your life, but it is also a demanding one physically and emotionally. It's so all-consuming that many times your other relationships fall by the wayside and become neglected. We forget that to have loving relationships that they have to be nurtured and tended. As you grow older and see how fragile life truly is, I think you go back to that center and need for a soft place to fall.

Anyhow, just thinking "out loud."

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