Saturday, February 7, 2009

Days Like Today

Thirtysomething and her family have been passing a cold around all week and they feel pretty lousy, especially Little Bit who does not suffer any deviation from her norm very well.

It's hard to be miserable on a gorgeous day like today though. It's come all the way from a chill factor of zero last Tuesday to the 70s today when I had to turn my a/c on once again. Ain't nature grand?

My back has finally started behaving better and I walked over to the park to stretch it a bit. The number of people and dogs there enjoying the sun was amazing. There were literally hundreds. Atlantans are a hearty bunch and you see will some of them running, walking, etc. despite sun or wind or rain or sleet or snow (you get the picture) but they were out in hordes today.

One person asked me earlier where the "dog park" was. Looking around, I thought, 'Where isn't it!' From chihuahuas to mastiffs and everything in between, nearly everyone had at least one canine pet with them.

It was fun just to watch everyone do their thing. One guy was rollerblading along sans shirt and singing at the top of this voice, totally oblivious to the laughter following him. He probably had an ear bud in and didn't hear it but the fact he sounded awful didn't seem to bother him in the least.

The only thing that marred my walk was hearing a mother call her young son a wimp because he was afraid to try to ride his bike without training wheels. He couldn't have been more than 5 or 6, and that pavement probably looked twice as hard to him as her. After all, he was much closer to it!

I really wanted to tell her to let him be a kid and enjoy him while she could but I decided to keep my big mouth shut since she didn't continue her rant and didn't hit him. It takes all kinds I suppose but I really wish parents would think before they speak harshly to their children and/or call them names. Once it's out, you sure as heck can't take it back!

Even so, it's great to be alive! And I won't let people like her spoil it for me.

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