Saturday, February 14, 2009

Starting off Valentine's Day right

Well, as a Valentine's Day treat, we took the girls to Roo's "favorite restaurant," the Waffle House. They had fun, especially sniffing the rose in the vase at our booth and pretending to sneeze. Little Bit, carnivore that she is, consumed most of her Daddy's bacon instead of her own breakfast. We've joked that for potty training, instead of the traditional M&M bribe, we should use meatballs or cold cuts.

No word on the job front yet (the Waffle House splurge was courtesy of Big Maw-Maw's Valentine's money, sent to us yesterday). I still haven't heard anything from the school system, but I know these things move slowly sometimes. The regional HR person in charge of Charlotte is supposed to be getting back to him next week about coming up and interviewing, but I'm not holding my breath on that one, either; I think they want someone with more managerial experience than he has. DH has scored some handyman jobs around the neighborhood to earn cash, and will be working at a friend's bike shop every Sunday. Actually, that's where he is now as well, earning a little moola today. We're getting by, and are so much luckier than many in similar situations. We have much to be thankful for this holiday.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.

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