Saturday, February 28, 2009

Getting Ready to Start the Countdown

It's been a great day, not nearly as much rain as predicted, but you can feel the cold moving in quite rapidly. The very strong wind feels as if it's straight off the North Pole! If this keeps up, England may seem absolutely tepid compared to what is going on here.

I just had some great Cuban food with my son and one of his friends. I'd planned to stay in and clean the apartment but accepted their invitation instead. (Not exactly a tough choice.) It was a very nice evening but now I really have to get down to the business of deciding what I'm going to take with me.

I've got stuff hanging all around the apartment but keep wavering back and forth and you'd think I would know by now. Decisions! Decisions!

Hopefully, my next few postings will be more interesting but I don't advise holding your breath. I'm so scattered right now that I can't concentrate.

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