Monday, February 2, 2009

Sad News

It seems the black cloud followed me from McRae and is hovering over Thirtysomething and her family now. Their 12-year-old pup lost his hard fight against Cushing's Disease today and they are broken-hearted. Rusty, a mixed terrier adopted from the Humane Society shortly after their marriage, was one of their "babies" and very special to all of us, but especially to them.

They knew last night that something was up when he went outside and hid behind a kiddie pool that has been propped upside down. This short-haired little guy was very cold natured and this was completely out of character for him. He had a rough night and when the vet saw him this morning, she said it was "time." He seemed to realize it too. He didn't put up his usual struggle about going to the doctor, was very calm, and even allowed her to pet him.

All this is made much more difficult by the recent loss of a friend's child as well as the seemingly endless job searching and I'd very much appreciate everyone keeping them in their prayers. Those who aren't dog lovers might not understand the depth of this type pain but those of us who love our pets do. Both dogs they adopted early into their marriage are gone now and I suppose it's like the end of some sort of era for them. In any event, it certainly added a lot to the stress they're already under. Just another straw on the proverbial camel's back.

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