Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Catching Up

Contrary to what some may think, I haven't abandoned the blog. It's just been a week from h*** in some ways. I've gone from doing what I want when I want to having so much to do it will take a while to catch up. Some outside appointments coupled with trying to find what I need in all these boxes has been a little frustrating to say the least.

Yes, I know I need to get them unpacked but it's not that simple. Being in a new place requires deciding where to put them to begin with (I'm trying to avoid doing it twice!), and how to arrange things to work here. Also need to find time to go to Lowe's or Home Depot or a similar store to get some new storage shelves and similar things.

Taking my keys back to the old place, all the stuff to do here, a birthday party for Roo this weekend, etc., etc. are piling up but next week is free so far and I should get caught up then. Maybe.

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