Friday, November 13, 2009

Six Days on the Road...

Six days down, one to go this week, two if you count Sunday as the end of the week instead of the first day. One other event, Roo's birthday party tomorrow afternoon, and I should be able to relax a little after that. Her uncle is treating her to a bowling birthday party, a first for all of us. Should be interesting but I wouldn't want to be too close to the lanes with those 6-year-olds tossing heavy equipment around!

It's been a hectic week to say the least but at least I've got new color and a new haircut to show for it anyway. Lots of stuff unpacked and lots to go yet. I'm pretty sure I will be rearranging for a long time to come though. I'm too OCD or ADD or too something not to! The people I've met here have been very friendly and I think I will enjoy living here.

Hopefully, things will slow down a bit and I'll get inspired to write something interesting. Until then, who knows?!?

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