Monday, November 16, 2009

It's Monday!

It's Monday and we all survived the bowling birthday party. Barely. You only think those indoor jumping playgrounds are loud! This type party is off the chart for noise, especially when others are taking place simultaneously.

I will say though the people who were in charge were quite efficient and very pleasant. It was nice to have everything taken care of and cleaned up afterwards too. The kids enjoyed the pizza and punch and birthday cake immensely and all seemed to have a very good time. I personally enjoyed having the private room to retreat to while the others were supervising the bowling.

I am pretty much out of excuses to get busy organizing my apartment even though I'm pretty sure I could come up with some if I were given enough time.

The fix-it guy got here just before 1:00p.m. and has taken care of several little things that needed to be repaired. He's at Home Depot now getting a new hood for my stove, thank goodness. The light on the old one won't work and it's so dirty I haven't been able to scrub all the grease from it. It took a hot soak and two rounds in the dishwasher just to clean the filter!

Oh, there's a great excuse. I have to wait until he finishes to do anything else. I knew I would think of something!

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