Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Another Pleasant Valley Sunday"

It's, "Another Pleasant Valley Sunday...My thoughts seem to stray to places far away, I need a change of scenery." (With apologies to the Monkees.)

It really isn't that bad. What I need more than a change of scenery is the impetus to get up and get out and then I would have a change of scenery. We didn't have class today so I didn't go to Sunday School. Unlike the past two days, I did get out of my PJs before time to take a bath and put on clean ones though. I even walked around outside for a few minutes.

I confess to a little cabin fever but just cannot bring myself to fight those after Thanksgiving shopping fanatics. I avoid stores and shopping centers like the plague this time of year. Even ate dry cereal for breakfast Friday because my milk was out of date and I refused to go to the store until after well after most of the crowds had gone home. Thank goodness for a 24-hour Kroger!

In the little bit of walking about I've done since moving to this area, I've discovered this place is quite hilly so I suppose I shouldn't call it a valley. The grounds are very pretty and I've truly enjoyed the short time I've been here. Only one complaint so far (other than the endless remodeling noise upstairs) ~ the bartender at the restaurant cannot make a decent mixed drink.

I only thought the Margarita I ordered a few days ago was awful until I tried a Cosmo next time I was there, only to discover it was even worse! I did manage to keep sipping the Margarita until the taste sort of grew on me but I had to leave the Cosmo. Too expensive to keep experimenting to see if she gets anything right so I think I may just stick with a soft drink from from there from now on.

I won't have a choice about getting out and around this coming week though. I promised to stay with Little Bit all three mornings while her other grandmother is in Louisiana with her very ill father. The drive is a bit tiring but I enjoy my time with her. Well, most of it anyway. There's one thing for sure though. If she holds true to form, I'll have more interesting material than this to post after spending that much time with her! Watch for updates, lol.

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