Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And the beat goes on

Well, Little Bit is coughing again and back on Albuterol again. I don't know that she's ever gotten rid of all the crud she's been having or if maybe she picked up a "little something" from the peds office last week. She had several days of no cough, so I'm procrastinating and trying to avoid taking her back unless it gets worse or no better in the next couple of days.

Albuteral = no sleep, so we were up quite late last night. She also got mad and bit her sister's leg, so she as punishment she did not get to go and get ice cream with Daddy and sister. Hopefully, that will make an impression. It's been quite awhile since we've had to deal with her biting, and I'm not ready to go that route again, even if the medicine is kicking her into overdrive. She also fibbed to me about it, as well as the accident she had on the floor, so I'm trying to prevent that habit from starting.

Thankfully, my mil is coming over and staying with her tomorrow while I work, so she won't have to get out and maybe will have a little more time to recup. Otherwise, hi ho, hi ho, back to the doctor's we go!

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