Monday, September 21, 2009

Thank goodness for small (?) favors

I feel sorry for Thirtysomething being cooped up with the girls so long but I'm really, really glad it isn't me. My hairdresser has enough gray hairs to hide as it is!

It's more than soggy here though. That area had more than 9 inches of rain overnight and while I don't think we got that much in Midtown, the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning had me awake way before 5 a.m. this morning. Television has been talking about road conditions all morning with mudslides and trees blocking one major highway, two feet of water over the I-85/285 (Spaghetti) Junction and rain across other sections of the Interstate. Gridlock everywhere!

Thank heavens for not having to get out in all this and for not being closed in with small children for several days!

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