Saturday, September 19, 2009

Are we there yet?

It hasn't been 40 days and 40 nights of rain yet but it sure seems like it! And no end in sight!

I'm sure the reservoirs and other sources of water are grateful for this but it would be nice to see a little break for a day or so. Son #1 and I met at Gilbert's across the street for brunch and even though I'm feeling a little cooped up, I've decided not to go out again until the weather gets better. Unless of course it is absolutely necessary. Problem is that I have to define "necessary."

Here's hoping that's really soon. The football games so far today have been so one-sided that they aren't worth watching but I'm hoping this evening's choices will be better. I'd take a nap but probably be up all night. Not much choice but days like these make me really grateful that my paper is left at my door every day. At least I can work the crossword!

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