Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This week has reminded me in spades of why I hate to handle rental property!

I've had to hear sob stories from both places as to why their rent is late. Then it was clogged plumbing for one and learning the other one has not paid the yard care bill since early summer. I had to mail a check for $270 today. I hope she knows this is coming out of her deposit and if it continues, she is going out of the house!

This is the kind of thing I remember from handling some properties for my late father-in-law many, many years ago. I hated it then and still hate it. Having to do it from a distance makes it even worse!

The economy is in the crapper and we are all hurting but we all have to have a place to live. If it's too expensive, find somewhere cheaper and leave. No hard feelings for sure but probably will be if I have to ask them to move.

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