Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, another day, another rainstorm! No complaints, but really, does it have to be feast or famine with the rain? It seems like Atlanta's either completely soggy or completely bone-dry. I could rent my backyard out as a mud-wrestling site if there were any contenders!

Not much to say here, just life as usual, which as I have grown older have come to appreciate. Monotony can be greatly underrated!

I have been thinking about my girls' birthdays coming up: I can't believe they're going to be 3 and 6 in the next couple of months. As the old saying goes, the years seem like days and the days seem like years. Yesterday was one of those day/years. With the constant rain, they both were a little stir crazy and going at each other all afternoon. We had actually planned an indoor campout, but I cancelled it because of their bad behavior. It was one of those "If I have to get onto you one more time..." things. I'm glad we did, though. Everyone had a pretty good night's sleep so I'm crossing my fingers for a more peaceful atmosphere today!!

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