Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Was it really just half a day?

Two down, one to go! Well, for this week anyway, lol.

I've spent two mornings with Little Bit this week and we have one more to go. She's always been really good when just she and I are there but she decided to try me this week. And she's done it in spades. So far, I've held firm but who knows what Friday will bring!

It would be much easier just to give in but it would not be fair to her Mom and Dad if I let her do things I know she isn't supposed to do. They have to contend with her much more than I do and I don't want to make it more difficult for them than it already is.

So far I've tried to pick my battles. I let her get by with locking the dogs in her parents' bedroom (didn't know where the key was) but did insist she wear underwear.

I suppose I will spend tomorrow "girding my loins" for Friday's battle.

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