Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I'm at Thirtysomething's home for today and tomorrow to keep Little Bit so Mom can attend staff development meetings at her new job. It will be just for twelve hours a week but we're grateful she's at least gotten her foot in the door on the journey back into the workforce. Library jobs in Gwinnett County have been cut drastically so that door was closed before she could even knock. I foresee lots of changes in her routine but I firmly believe everything works out for the best and this seems to be the case here. She will have the same hours a Little Bit's pre-school classes and home in time to pick up big sister and the other carpool kiddies.

She told me Little Bit had started sleeping late but not this morning. Not unless you count 8:10 a.m. as late! No problem though. She's been quite good. So far anyway. It's been a long time since I had to but by tomorrow afternoon I might even be able to translate two-year-old speak easily.

Thinking about a road trip soon. Anyone want to go?

P.S. I've been paid a compliment. I think. My youngest granddaughter (2-1/2+) just reassured me I was a "good helper." Considering how inept I am at jigsaw puzzles, it may have been a sympathy compliment!

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