Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Need a little patience....with apologies to Guns 'n Roses...

Okay, I know that, logically, the universe is not conspiring to get me today. I keep reminding myself of that, anyway!!

Little Bit is regressing AGAIN on her potty training. It's like we have several days of no accidents, doing great, then BOOM, peeing and pooping accidents galore. I mean, does the smell of freshly mopped and vacuumed floors trigger some kind of mechanism that renders bladder control impossible? I am so frustrated right now, I'm ready to put her back in pull-ups. I know that's not the right thing to do, but it's incredibly aggravating to spend all morning cleaning the house and having it smell like a farm after she's peed everywhere and tracked through it. She's going through lots of changes right now and I'm trying so hard to be patient, but I'm starting to run on empty with it. She's a smart child, and I know eventually we'll get through this, but I finally broke down crying earlier, I got so upset.

Add that to a husband who is never home, subtract a mother-in-law who's acting like a child, divide it by a father-in-law who gives delicate Christmas ornaments to a two-year-old (in August), and expects them not to get broken, multiply it by a new job and twice-weekly class that start next week, and you get one frazzled me.

1 comment:

Life After 60 said...

I don't want that recipe!