Thursday, August 20, 2009

Still here

Thirtysomething and I both have been AWOL this week but she has a better excuse than I do since most of my was due to sheer inertia (sounds better than laziness, doesn't it?).

Beginning a new job, getting one child to kindergarten, and starting the other one in pre-school does take a bit out of one. Unfortunately, that wasn't all. The oldest one came down with what I refer to as first-of-the-new-school-year stuff. Getting all those little germ factories together in a limited place creates a mega-germ factory. Add ragweed pollen to that and you get one sick little girl.

Little Bit is stuffy too so she may be headed down the same path but we can always hope. I drove out and stayed with them yesterday so Mom wouldn't miss just her second day of work. It was a long day since it began with the phone call at 6 a.m. but they were not any trouble other than the occasional bouts of big sister bossiness and little sister's unspoken "you're not the boss of me" attitude. My motto is not to interfere unless it comes to one of them inflicting pain on the other one so I just watched the occasional clash of wills. (Also got some good home grown tomatoes from their neighbors and that in itself made the drive worthwhile.)

As I said, no problems but I think I might go to bed early tonight just in case there's an early call tomorrow morning!

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