Thursday, October 8, 2009

Break (?) Time!

Well, the next week and a half, no work for me, hip hip hooray. No official work, anyhow, with a teacher furlough day and intercession next week. I think it'll be good to be at home with Little Bit for an extended time. She was so excited this morning when I told her I wasn't going anywhere...she asked me who she was going to stay with and I said I was, she said "Really??" and gave me a huge hug. Definitely an awww moment, at least until she started pushing my buttons about something or another. Overall, it's been a good day, though. You'd think I leave the child 60 hours a week instead of just 15.

Oops, spoke too soon. As I was typing, Miss Mischiveous decided to hide the remote-control tarantula she got for her birthday (thanks, MOM!) and wait until her sister was walking by to start it up and scare the pants off her. It was pretty funny, actually, though I can't show it too much. God bless my mom for helping me out so much while I'm working...I know the little one has especially been testing her and this break will be very good for her!!

I wish my break coincided with Roo's, but it's different counties so there is some disparity. I think it's pretty similar as the year goes on, however, so that'll be good. I'm so lucky to have a good job that I enjoy, especially in this economy...I worry all the time about jobs not coming back for good and stress about how this is going to not only impact our family but America in general. DH tells me to stop reading Newsweek before bed, that he's going to start hiding it and only putting out Southern Living or some other "comfort" reading material!

Little Bit's birthday has come and gone, as well as mine three days later. Both were lovely occasions, and as aforementioned, simple occasions. I think she had a great time surrounded by those who love her. She and sis are both still a little under the weather, so it definitely worked out for the best. My b-day was wonderful: I got to go to the U2 concert and it was phenomenal, I ate dinner out with my sweetie, received a big birthday cookie, and was greeted by my girls on my birthday exclaming "Happy Birthday!!" and presenting me with all the gift bags in the house, filled to the rim with their toys. It just doesn't get any better than this.

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