Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Musings

Another Monday, and a rainy one at that! Nice, soft rain though, not like the monsoons we just came through. Actually, it's quite pleasant to watch a soft rain falling on the tops of the trees just outside my windows. I will miss that view when I move but the leaves will be gone soon and it won't be quite as beautiful then.

Yesterday was nice. Son #1 and I went to visit TS, Son #2, and the girls to celebrate Little Bit's third birthday, along with the paternal grandparents. It was limited to family only this year, probably the last "tame" part for her. I'm sure she will want a bigger affair next year. I am really impressed though that her parents go against the modern trend of ridiculously extravagant parties for babies too young to appreciate it and stay with the older, age appropriate, common sense approach.

It worked out for the best anyway as she and Big Sister both were a little under the weather with runny noses, low grade temps, and Little Bit seeming to be developing a cough, something that cannot be predicted in advance for sure. They behaved very well and it was difficult to tell who enjoyed it most. Roo's birthday is coming up next month and it will probably be another day of chaos at the Jump Zone or some other similar venue.

Their Uncle volunteered to sponsor it this time after he saw much they enjoyed it last year (courtesy of grandparents) and to save his sister the trouble of a home party. I must say that despite the noise, it did beat McDonald's. They had a private room for the cake and gifts and I unselfishly volunteered to stay back there and watch them while the others had "fun" with the kids. It was a sacrifice I was happy to make.

I have officially goofed all morning so I need to get dressed and try to accomplish at least one thing despite the rain. Or maybe I will wait just a little longer...

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