Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I think the light was an oncoming train

Well, I spoke too soon when I thought we were all on the mend. As mom previously mentioned, Little Bit spiked a fever and we ended up taking her into the after-hours urgent care day before yesterday. The doc was concerned she might have resistent strep in her throat since it's still quite red and she was obviously so sick. Thank God, the test was negative. Apparently, she's just caught this nasty virus on top of the strep throat she had last week, and it's knocked her for a loop. She's a little better today but has had a rough couple of nights and is still running a fever. According to the discharge instructions, if her temp exceeds 101 for three days (which will be tomorrow) to take her to her doctor. She's drinking a little but has eaten only a few bites the last couple of days. I feel like a waitress, constantly suggesting food and drink and trying to tempt her into getting something into her system. This is so unlike her; I mean, this is the kid that sneaked a kielbasa off my plate one time and devoured the entire thing. She's going to waste away to nothing if this keeps up.

Unfortunately, we just have to wait it out since it's a virus and there's nothing else to be done for it. I would much, much rather be sick myself than have my girls sick, which is one of those funny things you learn when you're a parent, I suppose.

Thankfully, my husband's parents have Roo and I'm sure she's much happier over there than stuck here. Also thankfully, mom came and stayed with Little Bit awhile yesterday while we got out and did some errands. It's amazing how a trip to Target with your hubby by yourselves can seem like the greatest present in the world post-kid, especially when the said kid has been sick and you've been forcing medicine and breathing treatments on them for several days. I have to give Little Bit credit, though, she must be feeling somewhat better today b/c she gave me no trouble taking her Tylenol and Ibuprofen this morning. Dare I push my luck with another breathing treatment??

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