Thursday, May 21, 2009

The light at the end on the tunnel?

The sympathy is much-appreciated! Fortunately, the girls and I are all doing much better this afternoon. Roo hasn't had a fever since this morning, and the breathing treatments seem to be working. If she runs around too much, the coughing starts up again, though, so I've been encouraging her to take it easy. Thank goodness the Xoponex doesn't have the same effect it does on her little sister, other than a little shakiness afterwards. With Little Bit, it's like a combination of Woody Woodpecker and Speedy Gonzales invading her body (can you tell I grew up on Warner Bros.?).

Unfortunately, she did miss the last day, actually week, of school. She wasn't too upset about it, and only mentioned it one time. I think she's felt so rotten that she understands it wasn't a good idea for her to go.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be almost 100% and we'll be back among the land of the living!!

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