I've been awake since 5:45 a.m. so decided to take a walk in the park early today. For a while there I thought I was the only one there who didn't have at least one dog attached to one hand and poop bags in the other. Doggie owners getting ready to leave them for the day I suppose.
I also saw the results of all that "amore" I've seen there lately ~ lots of fuzzy little ducklings with adults hovering closely. There were 12 swimming with their mom on one side of the lake and 7 more nearby being guarded by their fierce-looking parents. Of course, this was one of the few times I didn't have my camera with me!
Time to get busy. I've pulled a bunch of stuff out of the pantry and my closet. Now I have to sort through and put it back. It was lots more fun taking it out!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What Stimulus?
A few days ago I got notice I would be receiving a small check as part of the current economic recovery plan. Today I spent almost that much on my car. Easy come, easy go.
I'm grateful for any amount even though it's a shame it couldn't be a little more. Then I could pay for what I spent at the optometrist after I left the dealership (plus what I will have to spend when I go back for follow-up next week).
LOL, was that for real? I just heard a commercial from the local CBS channel about a free trip to NY for a free colonoscopy. It said you could "prepare your colon" in a luxury hotel, also free. I waited for the punch line but there wasn't one! Should be interesting to see if it's legit.
I'm grateful for any amount even though it's a shame it couldn't be a little more. Then I could pay for what I spent at the optometrist after I left the dealership (plus what I will have to spend when I go back for follow-up next week).
LOL, was that for real? I just heard a commercial from the local CBS channel about a free trip to NY for a free colonoscopy. It said you could "prepare your colon" in a luxury hotel, also free. I waited for the punch line but there wasn't one! Should be interesting to see if it's legit.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Starting Out Nicely
This week has started out nicely. My uncle has been released from rehab and even though he still has a long way to go, at least he's home and that takes some of the pressure off Cuz. I know she needs all the relief she can get!
I found out early Monday morning that I will have a special visitor in June. Excited about that and very much looking forward to it.
I spent a little time with Thirtysomething and the girls today. I swear, it seems as though they grow an inch a month and Little Bit is at the age she continually surprises you. She plays well with her sister (most of the time) and also likes to play alone. She did something cute the other day (shocked her Mom) but I will let Thirtysomething tell you about that when she has a chance. I'll just say she's a smart cookie and let it go at that.
Cross your fingers the rest of the week goes as well and Thirtysomething hears from a job she is checking out.
Until later...
I found out early Monday morning that I will have a special visitor in June. Excited about that and very much looking forward to it.
I spent a little time with Thirtysomething and the girls today. I swear, it seems as though they grow an inch a month and Little Bit is at the age she continually surprises you. She plays well with her sister (most of the time) and also likes to play alone. She did something cute the other day (shocked her Mom) but I will let Thirtysomething tell you about that when she has a chance. I'll just say she's a smart cookie and let it go at that.
Cross your fingers the rest of the week goes as well and Thirtysomething hears from a job she is checking out.
Until later...
Monday, April 27, 2009
Windows of Friendship and Honor

I'm still working on the current article from my journal. I admit to a little procrastination but in my defense, I took a journalistic side trip and wrote about one of several lovely old churches we visited. This one was special because of a certain little chapel added to it almost 20 years ago. It was submitted today so I feel free sharing it here.
Windows of Friendship
American Military still appreciated across the Atlantic
In the tiny English village of Little Easton sits the centuries old Little Easton Parish Church. The present structure, erected during the Norman Conquest of 1066 A.D., is located on the site of a former Saxon church. There’s also evidence that a Celtic church preceded the Saxon church and the probability of this being the site of a Roman fort or lookout tower is strongly indicated by the presence of re-used Roman bricks and tiles in the current buildings’ external walls. Even though this structure has been extensively altered and enlarged, there’s definitely a Gothic aura about it.
One fairly recent alteration was the addition of an American Memorial Chapel inside this historic house of worship. Through the combined efforts and generosity of the 386th Bomb Group Association and villagers from Little Easton and neighboring Great Dunmow, the chapel was dedicated in October 1990 in remembrance of the 386th Bombardment Group (Crusaders) who called USAAF Station 164, a/k/a known as Great Dunmow Airfield, home for thirteen months during WWII. Many of those honored attended services in the little church at the edge of the airfield during their stay.
And accolades aren’t limited just to the inside. Visitors entering the churchyard pass beneath an archway graced by an original landing light from a runway at Great Dunbow. Making your way into the old church, you hear its stone walls, secret passages, ancient relics, frescos and tombs speaking softly of times long past until you turn to your left. It’s then that you see the memorial chapel glowing in quiet splendor as the sun streams through two masterfully crafted stained glass windows. Strangely, these medieval style windows with a modern theme don’t seem to be out of place at all.
A burst of gold straight ahead draws your eyes immediately to the window known as "The Window of Friendship and Peace." Designed by American artist Douglas Phillips, stained glass was used to create vignettes and symbols signifying the mutual support and respect that developed between American airmen and people of the villages while the Crusaders were flying missions from Great Dunbow Airfield.
It’s left lancet shows an American airman in conversation with a British RAF flying officer, suggesting close cooperation between the two forces. The right one depicts an arresting likeness of an American airman with local villagers, indicating almost familiar ties between American military forces and local villagers.
The left tracery shows a dove with an olive branch, symbolizing the Holy Spirit and Peace, while the right one reveals an eagle in flight, referencing the biblical theme "They shall mount up with wings as eagles." American decorations included on this window are the Purple Heart and European Victory Medal.
At the lower left, two hands are shown clasped in friendship, representing Great Britain and America. An oak tree at the lower right reminds everyone of the all the mighty oaks that had to be destroyed in order to construct the airfield. Easton Lodge, the manor house whose grounds held the oaks, is superimposed on a globe in the background, representing the universal nature of conflict and the peace that follows.
The second window is called “The Window of the Crusaders.” Its central theme is the triumph of the fight for God and Right. A figure of Christ with outstretched arms is located high in the center lancet with a Banner of Victory. To the left of the banner are the American Eighth Air Force emblem and the USAF medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross. The right center tracery makes a powerful statement with a victors’ wreath superimposed over a blunted sword to represent mercy. To the right of the sword is the American Ninth Air Force emblem and the Air Medal.
The lower portion of the left lancet shows a group of airman in front of a B-26 Marauder as they prepare for a mission. The top part details a group of five Marauders under flak attack and the figure at the left of the group of fliers is an actual portrait of a fallen comrade. The “Missing Man” formation serves as a reminder of those who did not return from missions and the lower center portrays men and vehicles of the dedicated ground crew with an ambulance to remind everyone of those who were wounded. Both windows are so exquisitely done that they almost seem to have a life of their own.
Not only are the 386th Crusaders who served at Dunbow honored, those assigned to the 386th Bombardment Group (M) and its attached service organizations from activation in 1942 until deactivation in 1945 are also included. A plaque near the windows lists all 193 men from this division who lost their lives.
This chapel and its inspiring memorial windows serve as a lasting reminder of a group of men who assimilated so easily into the community while they did what had to be done in service of their country and others under attack. It will continue to touch the hearts of generations to come as they visit this lovely little church that still remembers America and its sacrifices along with those made by their own country.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Thank you, Mom!
Just sending a shout-out to all the moms out there (especially mine) who had to deal with children that are difficult to: give eyedrops to, administer medicine to, don't want to sleep, you get the idea. I don't think you can truly appreciate the extent of what your mother does for you until you become one yourself.
Won't Lose Those Five Pounds This Way!
I just had a wonderful dinner at Kyma in Buckhead, courtesy of my son. I only thought I'd had Greek food before. This was authentic and wonderful. My favorite was a dessert, naturally. It was Galatoboureko but if I don't order it until I can pronounce it correctly, I might not eat it too often.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Beautiful Saturday
It's a lovely day, though expected to be hot. The girls are kind of messing around, it's taken an hour for the older one to brush and get dressed to go out. Bit doesn't feel like going out, she's busy playing with her blocks and animals.
I went out with some girlfriends from the neighborhood last evening. I was supposed to be hosting Bunco, but we had so few people able to come that we decided to do this as an alternative. Lots of fun, we went to a kind of seedy local bar that had surprisingly good food and some very colorful characters. It was nice to step out of myself for awhile and do something completely different, you know?
DH is working today, he went in at 5:00 this morning and is hoping to be done by about 3:00. I miss him very much, he's probably worked close to 70 hours this week after today. No complaints, though, that means business is going well. Also, I just heard from a long distance friend whose husband has had to take a contract position in Iraq. He's a firefighter, but their high medical costs for their daughter, who has a debilitating disease, and the terrible economy have necessitated that they make this decision to stay financially afloat. I feel so bad for them and feel any problems I may have pale by comparison. Here I am, missing my hubby and she won't even see hers, who is doing very dangerous work, for four months, when he might be able to come back for a visit. And one of her daughters with medical issues to boot. We are indeed very, very fortunate.
I went out with some girlfriends from the neighborhood last evening. I was supposed to be hosting Bunco, but we had so few people able to come that we decided to do this as an alternative. Lots of fun, we went to a kind of seedy local bar that had surprisingly good food and some very colorful characters. It was nice to step out of myself for awhile and do something completely different, you know?
DH is working today, he went in at 5:00 this morning and is hoping to be done by about 3:00. I miss him very much, he's probably worked close to 70 hours this week after today. No complaints, though, that means business is going well. Also, I just heard from a long distance friend whose husband has had to take a contract position in Iraq. He's a firefighter, but their high medical costs for their daughter, who has a debilitating disease, and the terrible economy have necessitated that they make this decision to stay financially afloat. I feel so bad for them and feel any problems I may have pale by comparison. Here I am, missing my hubby and she won't even see hers, who is doing very dangerous work, for four months, when he might be able to come back for a visit. And one of her daughters with medical issues to boot. We are indeed very, very fortunate.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Which season is it?
Anyone who thinks that just because spring is only officially a third of the way through calendar-wise, it isn't over, didn't just come back from a walk in Piedmont Park. Definitely summer time there!
A Record?
My day is getting off to a good start. I filed my income tax return on April 14 (10 days ago) and today the bank emailed me that my refund has already been direct deposited to my account ~ the whole $6.00. Wow!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
English Journal Excerpt
I promised I would start sharing journal entries (and a little other stuff) from my trip so I am going to try to paste the first one here before my ISP gets knocked out by this storm again. I enjoyed making these memories. I hope you enjoy reading them too.
Excerpts from an English Expedition Journal,
Part One
Correction: I thought it was without stress when I wrote the first entry. My second son J**** came to take me to the airport and thank heavens, he was early. Too early I thought at the time but this proved so not to be true. We discovered one of my suitcases was a few pounds overweight by weighing J**** with and without the case in his hand. Weirdly, Delta imposes wicked charges on a bag overweight by a few pounds, yet will let you take two that weigh 50 pounds each. Go figure!
No matter, this necessitated pulling stuff out of the larger one and packing it into a smaller case. That in itself wasn’t bad, but my only other one had jewelry, camera, medication and other things I wanted to carry with me on the plane. We hurried over to my son D**’s apartment (he was in California on business) and “appropriated” a backpack with wheels and quickly repacked. Finally done, we headed to Hartsfield still with time to spare.
I’d checked in online so things went swimmingly easy. Too easy. I was directed to the wrong gate and by the time I walked miles to the correct one, the plane was already boarding. What was supposed to be a partially filled cabin was brimming over due to an aborted flight to Munich. Seems there were mechanical problems and lots of folks were trying to get to Heathrow to make connections there instead of waiting for the next direct flight. We were boarded on time but wound up having to wait about 15 minutes for the Munich bound folks’ luggage before we could take off.
March 5: The flight was smooth, even arriving about half an hour before the projected time of 12:15 p.m. GMT but wait time for a free terminal caused us to deplane a few minutes after then. The only real glitch coming over was a gabby seatmate who hogged the supposedly shared armrest and talked. And talked. All. Night. Long. Seven hours of constant chatter revealed way TMI about someone I didn’t know. I’m grateful I forgot his name by the time I left the plane but I still remember some of the gritty details. Yuk!
I was fatigued when we landed but I’m not sure how much was from jet lag and not sleeping and how much was due to the incessant chatter. R***** was waiting for me though and we stopped about halfway to Chelmsford for tea and sandwiches at a beautiful old hotel dining room. Well, he had tea but I opted for Diet Coke. The food was good as was the service. The service part was a pleasant surprise because I’d heard from natives as well as outsiders that food service in the UK is not usually that great.
We’re in Chelmsford now and just had a light supper (after a quick bath to rid myself of airline “aura.”) R****** has a nice home. His front garden (yard) is postage stamp size like most here but the back garden is much larger and both are neatly kept with flowers blooming in both. His home is decorated in beautiful, inviting colors that feel warm and welcoming and comfortable, but I have to admit having faucets that turn counterclockwise threw me a little. Wonder how long it will take me to adjust to that!
He’s already cleared a dresser and closet for me in the guest room but I think I’ll wait until morning to finish unpacking. I’ve taken out what I need short term and the rest can stay in the suitcases until tomorrow. I’m so tired I wouldn’t know where I put anything anyway so it’s off to bed for now. We’re going to use tomorrow to relax and let me rest up from the trip before we start visiting around and sight seeing. Good night, John Boy, good night Mary Ellen, good night Elizabeth...
Excerpts from an English Expedition Journal,
Part One
March 4: It’s been a nice, leisurely day. My flight doesn’t leave until 10:50 p.m. so I’ve had plenty of time to get all the little last minute details finished with no stress.
Correction: I thought it was without stress when I wrote the first entry. My second son J**** came to take me to the airport and thank heavens, he was early. Too early I thought at the time but this proved so not to be true. We discovered one of my suitcases was a few pounds overweight by weighing J**** with and without the case in his hand. Weirdly, Delta imposes wicked charges on a bag overweight by a few pounds, yet will let you take two that weigh 50 pounds each. Go figure!
No matter, this necessitated pulling stuff out of the larger one and packing it into a smaller case. That in itself wasn’t bad, but my only other one had jewelry, camera, medication and other things I wanted to carry with me on the plane. We hurried over to my son D**’s apartment (he was in California on business) and “appropriated” a backpack with wheels and quickly repacked. Finally done, we headed to Hartsfield still with time to spare.
I’d checked in online so things went swimmingly easy. Too easy. I was directed to the wrong gate and by the time I walked miles to the correct one, the plane was already boarding. What was supposed to be a partially filled cabin was brimming over due to an aborted flight to Munich. Seems there were mechanical problems and lots of folks were trying to get to Heathrow to make connections there instead of waiting for the next direct flight. We were boarded on time but wound up having to wait about 15 minutes for the Munich bound folks’ luggage before we could take off.
March 5: The flight was smooth, even arriving about half an hour before the projected time of 12:15 p.m. GMT but wait time for a free terminal caused us to deplane a few minutes after then. The only real glitch coming over was a gabby seatmate who hogged the supposedly shared armrest and talked. And talked. All. Night. Long. Seven hours of constant chatter revealed way TMI about someone I didn’t know. I’m grateful I forgot his name by the time I left the plane but I still remember some of the gritty details. Yuk!
I was fatigued when we landed but I’m not sure how much was from jet lag and not sleeping and how much was due to the incessant chatter. R***** was waiting for me though and we stopped about halfway to Chelmsford for tea and sandwiches at a beautiful old hotel dining room. Well, he had tea but I opted for Diet Coke. The food was good as was the service. The service part was a pleasant surprise because I’d heard from natives as well as outsiders that food service in the UK is not usually that great.
We’re in Chelmsford now and just had a light supper (after a quick bath to rid myself of airline “aura.”) R****** has a nice home. His front garden (yard) is postage stamp size like most here but the back garden is much larger and both are neatly kept with flowers blooming in both. His home is decorated in beautiful, inviting colors that feel warm and welcoming and comfortable, but I have to admit having faucets that turn counterclockwise threw me a little. Wonder how long it will take me to adjust to that!
He’s already cleared a dresser and closet for me in the guest room but I think I’ll wait until morning to finish unpacking. I’ve taken out what I need short term and the rest can stay in the suitcases until tomorrow. I’m so tired I wouldn’t know where I put anything anyway so it’s off to bed for now. We’re going to use tomorrow to relax and let me rest up from the trip before we start visiting around and sight seeing. Good night, John Boy, good night Mary Ellen, good night Elizabeth...
Ready for the Weekend
Is it Friday afternoon yet? I have scheduled a girls' night out tomorrow, and am really feeling the need for it about now.
Little Bit's eyes was still bothering her from the glitter glue she rubbed in it, so I made an appt. with the optometrist. Apparently, while I was on the phone she moved her sister's (brand-new) bike behind the van in an attempt to get her own out. Of course, then I backed over it. Then I got a phone call from the preschool letting me know that there weren't going to be enough openings with the decreased enrollment so I didn't get that job. Then I kept the nursery at Roo's preschool so they could have the staff meeting and rushed to the opt. after that so they could look at 'Bit's eye. The kind optometrist, God bless her, was unable to get a look because Bit cried and thrashed and wiggled almost the entire time. When I was able to get her into essentially a headlock, she squeezed her eyes shut so the doctor couldn't see. Thankfully, from what she did see, she thinks it's a minor scratch on the cornea and said if it's not 50% better tomorrow, to call. She gave me rewetting drops to put in tonight, which was not exactly a picnic either. She cried and wiggled then, too, the little stinker.
Let me put it this way: if DH had not already had that vasectomy, he would be scheduled for one tomorrow!
Little Bit's eyes was still bothering her from the glitter glue she rubbed in it, so I made an appt. with the optometrist. Apparently, while I was on the phone she moved her sister's (brand-new) bike behind the van in an attempt to get her own out. Of course, then I backed over it. Then I got a phone call from the preschool letting me know that there weren't going to be enough openings with the decreased enrollment so I didn't get that job. Then I kept the nursery at Roo's preschool so they could have the staff meeting and rushed to the opt. after that so they could look at 'Bit's eye. The kind optometrist, God bless her, was unable to get a look because Bit cried and thrashed and wiggled almost the entire time. When I was able to get her into essentially a headlock, she squeezed her eyes shut so the doctor couldn't see. Thankfully, from what she did see, she thinks it's a minor scratch on the cornea and said if it's not 50% better tomorrow, to call. She gave me rewetting drops to put in tonight, which was not exactly a picnic either. She cried and wiggled then, too, the little stinker.
Let me put it this way: if DH had not already had that vasectomy, he would be scheduled for one tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
More additions to the zoo
Well, the girls decided to use their Easter money from Big Maw-Maw to buy frogs from the Learning Express store. There was a kit to get the itty bitty tadpoles and apparently they last forever, at least according to the store clerk, but when I found out they would eventually need a bigger home and a filter, I nixed that idea. We ended up with the small plexiglass container with bamboo and older tadpoles in it that you only have to feed twice a week. Hopefully, they'll last awhile but not too long (did I just say that?).
I started to cancel the outing to the toy store when I found out Roo got in trouble at preschool. Apparently, she had to move her clip, which is the first time this year. Fortunately, it's a very rare occurrence, but I made her call Daddy and tell him and apologize to her teacher. Of course, it was for not listening and talking too much, problems we are having at home as well. I had already promised her sister we would go, otherwise I would have nixed the trip. Hopefully, I'm not being too soft on her. She had to sit out a few minutes at the playground and she cried when having to tell Daddy about it, so I think she's gotten the message. She asked if she was in super-duper trouble. I told her if it ever happened again she would be in extra super-duper trouble and that it had better not.
Little Bit's been a total crab this afternoon. She apparently knows it because she even went and sat in the "sad spot" of her own accord (a chair she pulled into the corner) and cried.
I have had a huge sinus headache the last few days and am hoping that it gets better very soon. I love my girls, but the headache combined with their actions the last couple of days is getting to be a bit much.
I started to cancel the outing to the toy store when I found out Roo got in trouble at preschool. Apparently, she had to move her clip, which is the first time this year. Fortunately, it's a very rare occurrence, but I made her call Daddy and tell him and apologize to her teacher. Of course, it was for not listening and talking too much, problems we are having at home as well. I had already promised her sister we would go, otherwise I would have nixed the trip. Hopefully, I'm not being too soft on her. She had to sit out a few minutes at the playground and she cried when having to tell Daddy about it, so I think she's gotten the message. She asked if she was in super-duper trouble. I told her if it ever happened again she would be in extra super-duper trouble and that it had better not.
Little Bit's been a total crab this afternoon. She apparently knows it because she even went and sat in the "sad spot" of her own accord (a chair she pulled into the corner) and cried.
I have had a huge sinus headache the last few days and am hoping that it gets better very soon. I love my girls, but the headache combined with their actions the last couple of days is getting to be a bit much.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Not yet
I haven't run into any walls or trampoline supports lately but I have been battling a major headache for the past couple of weeks. It's not a migraine but still hurts like crazy. I think it might be all the pollen but who knows!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Choice Made Easier
If you should have to drop coverage on one of them, at least you've narrowed it down to which one needs it the most. I'm afraid she's like her grandmother, accident-prone, klutzy, or whatever you want to call it. I recall accidents, falling out of trees, getting skinned up on roller skates, etc., etc. when I was a kid. Not quite that young though except I did lose the tip of my left pinky when I was so young I can't remember what happened.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
And we were thinking of dropping health insurance?
Well, Little Bit "bit" it this evening going down our steep driveway on her rock, roll, and ride trike. Her Daddy, who was supposed to be watching her while I cooked supper, missed her hopping on it, helmetless. Those of you that are not familiar with this trike should know that it is not meant for children to go whipping down driveways on them at warp speed, even though they are perfectly safe and suited for flat surface travel.
Daddy, who is surprisingly not very good in a crisis, came running in clutching a battered and bleeding little girl, and shouting "I need ice, NOW NOW NOW!" Trying to assess the situation and not burn myself, since he scared the crud out of me while standing over the hot stove, my heart sank. Thankfully, I knew she was going to be okay when she wouldn't let me hold an ice pack or boo bunny to her face. However, she's got a black eye and abrasions all over, including a pretty bad cut on her forehead and a not-quite-as-bad one next to her left eye. She was also spitting out blood, so I'm hoping there was no damage done to her teeth. I didn't see any tonight when she let me brush them a little. We are just exceedingly thankful we didn't have to make an ER trip and there are no apparent head injuries. We watched her closely for the rest of the evening, but she seems to be okay. Except she was running down the hall and somehow missed seeing the door frame and bounced off of it and hit her head again *sigh*.
As mom knows, I have been a little frustrated this week. I had hoped to get the girls on the Peachcare insurance system (a statewide children's insurance program designed to help middle income families) temporarily to help us out financially, but our application was denied (after four months of delays). When I spoke to a rep about it, she said it was because our girls had insurance. I explained that we lost our employer coverage insurance when my husband was laid off back in November, but we purchased a temporary, very high deductible policy to cover us in case of catastrophe. The policy we have until my husband's new employer's coverage kicks in in two months is not meant to be a permanent policy, it's really just a safety net if something very high cost happens. In addition, my husband's new salary falls well within the qualification guidelines. She explained to me that that didn't matter, and that my girls could only qualify if I dropped this insurance coverage. When I asked how long it would take for the Peachcare coverage to take effect, she paused and said 30 to 60 days. I told her that there was no way, that with my active little ones I would be crazy to forego insurance coverage and essentially would have to lock them in a padded room for the duration.
The incident this afternoon definitely confirmed it for me! We may have to eat pinto beans for 15 days of the month, but dropping insurance coverage even for a few weeks is not an option. One trip to the ER would totally negate any savings we might have.
I need to go sit in a field of daisies or something (after taking some generic Claritin-D, of course; pollen season, you know).
Daddy, who is surprisingly not very good in a crisis, came running in clutching a battered and bleeding little girl, and shouting "I need ice, NOW NOW NOW!" Trying to assess the situation and not burn myself, since he scared the crud out of me while standing over the hot stove, my heart sank. Thankfully, I knew she was going to be okay when she wouldn't let me hold an ice pack or boo bunny to her face. However, she's got a black eye and abrasions all over, including a pretty bad cut on her forehead and a not-quite-as-bad one next to her left eye. She was also spitting out blood, so I'm hoping there was no damage done to her teeth. I didn't see any tonight when she let me brush them a little. We are just exceedingly thankful we didn't have to make an ER trip and there are no apparent head injuries. We watched her closely for the rest of the evening, but she seems to be okay. Except she was running down the hall and somehow missed seeing the door frame and bounced off of it and hit her head again *sigh*.
As mom knows, I have been a little frustrated this week. I had hoped to get the girls on the Peachcare insurance system (a statewide children's insurance program designed to help middle income families) temporarily to help us out financially, but our application was denied (after four months of delays). When I spoke to a rep about it, she said it was because our girls had insurance. I explained that we lost our employer coverage insurance when my husband was laid off back in November, but we purchased a temporary, very high deductible policy to cover us in case of catastrophe. The policy we have until my husband's new employer's coverage kicks in in two months is not meant to be a permanent policy, it's really just a safety net if something very high cost happens. In addition, my husband's new salary falls well within the qualification guidelines. She explained to me that that didn't matter, and that my girls could only qualify if I dropped this insurance coverage. When I asked how long it would take for the Peachcare coverage to take effect, she paused and said 30 to 60 days. I told her that there was no way, that with my active little ones I would be crazy to forego insurance coverage and essentially would have to lock them in a padded room for the duration.
The incident this afternoon definitely confirmed it for me! We may have to eat pinto beans for 15 days of the month, but dropping insurance coverage even for a few weeks is not an option. One trip to the ER would totally negate any savings we might have.
I need to go sit in a field of daisies or something (after taking some generic Claritin-D, of course; pollen season, you know).
Forgot to add these to last posting. These are short clips of the girls over the past couple of weeks.
Is it over yet?
It's almost 6 P.M. and (hopefully) the Dogwood Festival is winding down to the finish. I'm sure the sponsors/organizers are happy the rain has held off so far. For their sakes, so am I but I will be glad when I can leave my parking deck without being caught in a traffic jam!
I have the next installment from my journal ready but have to wait until Wednesday to post. The paper needs to go to print before I share it with anyone else.
Now, back to laundry, cleaning, etc.
I have the next installment from my journal ready but have to wait until Wednesday to post. The paper needs to go to print before I share it with anyone else.
Now, back to laundry, cleaning, etc.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
A Beautiful Day
It's been an absolutely gorgeous day today and the crowds were incredible. Not only was the park full of thousands enjoying the Dogwood Festival, the sidewalks were so full you could barely walk down them. The line at the ATM was so long all day that I finally gave up on using it and decided it was easier to be penniless than have to stand in long that long. Getting out to attend church in the morning won't be too bad (hopefully) but getting back to my parking deck might be another story. It's great to see so many people out and about enjoying themselves though.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Two going on 22
Little Bit is already grown up in a lot of ways. Witness her reaction to your trying to persuade her that caterpillars are "cute." Yuk!
Smart kid! She's nobody's fool.
Smart kid! She's nobody's fool.
My little girl is growing up
Well, Roo "officially" rode without her training wheels today. Her daddy had them set so high that she's really been riding without using them the last few days, but today she was courageous enough to tell him she was ready to take them off. Needless to say, she had a ball and was very impressed with herself (I know this because she stated "I am very impressed with myself!" to us as she whizzed by). I was looking at some of her baby pictures in her little album this evening and got a little teary eyed. I just can't believe how fast the last 5 1/2 years have gone by.
At least I have my other baby to be a "baby" a little longer, although she did inform me today when I offered to get on the trampoline with her and her sister "No Mamas allowed." Hmmph. Thank God for dogs, at least they always love you and want to be with you, sniff sniff.
At least I have my other baby to be a "baby" a little longer, although she did inform me today when I offered to get on the trampoline with her and her sister "No Mamas allowed." Hmmph. Thank God for dogs, at least they always love you and want to be with you, sniff sniff.
I got the cart before the horse with my last posting. That was the intro to the series from my journal but the first thing I actually wrote was a tongue-in-cheek article written like a letter to the staff of the paper, using British terminology and spellings, mixed with Americanese. It should have been printed first but better late than never I suppose.
Dear Don, Donna, Jennifer and Debbie,
I’m writing to let you know that I’m back from jolly old England. I had a wonderful visit and some of my Atlanta friends even say I talk funny now. That gobsmacked me at first but I’m sure they are joking. I really don’t think I picked up any British speech characteristics in just three weeks. As a matter of fact, I know bugger all about many of their terms. I did have a cracking good time even though some days were a bit windy, typical March weather anywhere. Richard’s new boiler works well and we found it easy to keep snugging though.
I tried to ring you let you know I will be writing more about my trip soon but your line was engaged and your call minder didn’t pick up either. The aeroplane landed early but we had to find a trolley for my heavy luggage. Luckily, the queues at Heathrow weren’t very long and we didn’t have a long wait to exit. The drive to Chelmsford was sunny and pleasant, very pretty too. We stopped on the way for tea and a sandwich and to let me stretch my legs a little. There were a lot of coaches and lorries on the road and I found the anticlockwise roundabouts confusing but Richard is a good driver and manoeuvred them easily. Fortunately, there were no diversions on the motorway and free recovery in the construction zones minimised danger for motorists. It would take a long time for me to get a licence to drive there!
Things are still sixes and sevens around here and I have lots to catch up with here before I can even begin to transcribe my journal. Julie and the girls came to visit yesterday and whilst things were mostly tickety boo, the youngest one was a bit off colour and had a right fair strop before they left.
I should go to the bank straight away since I have just a few quid in my purse. Afterwards, I’ll drive to the dry cleaners and leave my woolies, new cotton jumper and trousers to be cleaned. Before I go, I’ll toss a few bags in the boot to carry me Yorkshire Tea, Scones, Sticky Toffee Pudding, Biscuits and Sponge cakes home from the market. I do want a sweet but am not sure what I fancy right now.
Perhaps I’d better take several bags. I need enough to hold corgettes, aubergines and swedes from the green grocers and to fetch a flitch of bacon as a favour for my neighbour. I may purchase a few jellies or buy a packet of powder and make my own, just something light and colourful to have on hand for the nippers. I suppose I’d better take a brolly to shield me from these April showers.
I just hope there’ll be enough space at the pay and display car park nearby else I will have a very long walk. With the price of petrol rising, I should probably hoof it anyway. It would keep someone from scratching my wings but some places I need to go don’t have pavement and I’d have to walk in the carriageway, a dangerous undertaking with the way cars speed on roads here. If someone strike me, I’d be lucky if anyone even saw the number plate much less telephoned the old Bill.
I’ll also stop by the garage and have them check the tyres and works under the bonnet of my kev car to make sure everything is working properly before I go on holiday again. I need to take my necklace to the jewellers too but will take care of other business first.
It will be late when I finish so I’ll probably stop for a glass of Squash or cream tea and a bit of fruit before returning. Some fresh scones and hot cross buns sound good right now. I’d have a Scotch egg before I go out but I don’t eat red meat so bangers are out. I’d really have to have a savoury right now but I shall settle for a nice bowl of porridge with syrup and double cream instead.
Before I leave though, I have to push the wheelie bin and recycles to the curb for the dustman to pick up whilst I’m away. I should also ask the city to send a lorry for that old dishwasher, as there are strong penalties for fly tipping now. When I return, I will stroll to the park and watch as people go walkies with their dogs. (Some take their children too.)
I’ll close now so I can post this in the letter box downstairs. I’m running late and need to get with the programme so I can finish early enough to get back to my cosy bedsit by teatime. I’ll be on my way as soon as I spend a penny but right now I feel completely knackered just thinking about all I have to do!
Cheers for now mates. See you in a fortnight!
2 April 2009
P.S. When you’re in the area call on my mobile or knock me up. The restaurants here serve some right scrummy dishes and we can have dinner and perhaps even go to a do afterwards.
J*** ****** is a corresponding writer for The Telfair Enterprise. She recently returned from a three-week trip to Essex, England, and promises to share excerpts from her journal chronicling her “adventures” on the continent in future. She respectfully requests British readers to kindly refrain from making cheeky remarks or publicly criticising her mistakes.
Back in the USA
Dear Don, Donna, Jennifer and Debbie,
I’m writing to let you know that I’m back from jolly old England. I had a wonderful visit and some of my Atlanta friends even say I talk funny now. That gobsmacked me at first but I’m sure they are joking. I really don’t think I picked up any British speech characteristics in just three weeks. As a matter of fact, I know bugger all about many of their terms. I did have a cracking good time even though some days were a bit windy, typical March weather anywhere. Richard’s new boiler works well and we found it easy to keep snugging though.
I tried to ring you let you know I will be writing more about my trip soon but your line was engaged and your call minder didn’t pick up either. The aeroplane landed early but we had to find a trolley for my heavy luggage. Luckily, the queues at Heathrow weren’t very long and we didn’t have a long wait to exit. The drive to Chelmsford was sunny and pleasant, very pretty too. We stopped on the way for tea and a sandwich and to let me stretch my legs a little. There were a lot of coaches and lorries on the road and I found the anticlockwise roundabouts confusing but Richard is a good driver and manoeuvred them easily. Fortunately, there were no diversions on the motorway and free recovery in the construction zones minimised danger for motorists. It would take a long time for me to get a licence to drive there!
Things are still sixes and sevens around here and I have lots to catch up with here before I can even begin to transcribe my journal. Julie and the girls came to visit yesterday and whilst things were mostly tickety boo, the youngest one was a bit off colour and had a right fair strop before they left.
I should go to the bank straight away since I have just a few quid in my purse. Afterwards, I’ll drive to the dry cleaners and leave my woolies, new cotton jumper and trousers to be cleaned. Before I go, I’ll toss a few bags in the boot to carry me Yorkshire Tea, Scones, Sticky Toffee Pudding, Biscuits and Sponge cakes home from the market. I do want a sweet but am not sure what I fancy right now.
Perhaps I’d better take several bags. I need enough to hold corgettes, aubergines and swedes from the green grocers and to fetch a flitch of bacon as a favour for my neighbour. I may purchase a few jellies or buy a packet of powder and make my own, just something light and colourful to have on hand for the nippers. I suppose I’d better take a brolly to shield me from these April showers.
I just hope there’ll be enough space at the pay and display car park nearby else I will have a very long walk. With the price of petrol rising, I should probably hoof it anyway. It would keep someone from scratching my wings but some places I need to go don’t have pavement and I’d have to walk in the carriageway, a dangerous undertaking with the way cars speed on roads here. If someone strike me, I’d be lucky if anyone even saw the number plate much less telephoned the old Bill.
I’ll also stop by the garage and have them check the tyres and works under the bonnet of my kev car to make sure everything is working properly before I go on holiday again. I need to take my necklace to the jewellers too but will take care of other business first.
It will be late when I finish so I’ll probably stop for a glass of Squash or cream tea and a bit of fruit before returning. Some fresh scones and hot cross buns sound good right now. I’d have a Scotch egg before I go out but I don’t eat red meat so bangers are out. I’d really have to have a savoury right now but I shall settle for a nice bowl of porridge with syrup and double cream instead.
Before I leave though, I have to push the wheelie bin and recycles to the curb for the dustman to pick up whilst I’m away. I should also ask the city to send a lorry for that old dishwasher, as there are strong penalties for fly tipping now. When I return, I will stroll to the park and watch as people go walkies with their dogs. (Some take their children too.)
I’ll close now so I can post this in the letter box downstairs. I’m running late and need to get with the programme so I can finish early enough to get back to my cosy bedsit by teatime. I’ll be on my way as soon as I spend a penny but right now I feel completely knackered just thinking about all I have to do!
Cheers for now mates. See you in a fortnight!
2 April 2009
P.S. When you’re in the area call on my mobile or knock me up. The restaurants here serve some right scrummy dishes and we can have dinner and perhaps even go to a do afterwards.
J*** ****** is a corresponding writer for The Telfair Enterprise. She recently returned from a three-week trip to Essex, England, and promises to share excerpts from her journal chronicling her “adventures” on the continent in future. She respectfully requests British readers to kindly refrain from making cheeky remarks or publicly criticising her mistakes.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I promised to start posting about my trip so here it is. I'm writing a series for the paper and am going to share it here. With such a big readership, The Telfair Enterprise might not get around to everyone. Here is this week's article:
I had a great host and tour guide and saw many of the requisite sights in London but I didn’t rush around all the time trying to see and do everything only to wind up not enjoying any of it. Instead, I tried to assimilate myself into the day-to-day routine of Richard’s life and fit into his British lifestyle instead of being a typical tourist. I think I pretty much succeeded except that I’m quite sure he doesn’t ordinarily go to as many places as we did in the same length of time, but he and his friends and family do walk frequently, sometimes even going away for several days to explore other areas of the country. However, those treks are normally spread out over longer periods of time than our expeditions were.
We also paced ourselves, taking enough down time enough to relax and rejuvenate before starting the next activity and this made my time there much more enjoyable. Actually, I’m convinced that I was more worn out from all the family/friend activities than those long walks. That is, except for the two days we spend in London wandering about and seeing a play both evenings before taking the train back home. The trips on the train from Chelmsford to London were only 35 minutes long: it was all the wandering about we did in between those rides that nearly did me in.
Let me say here that it didn’t take very long at all to dispel the myth that British food and excellent cuisine don’t go together. I found the food there to be exceptionally good and the subtitle of this series, “Eating my way through Essex,” isn’t too far off the mark at all. As a matter of fact, I didn’t meet a pub or teahouse I didn’t like and I’m sure Richard will support this opinion wholeheartedly.
Even though I had several wonderful restaurant meals, the ones I enjoyed most were by prepared by Richard and his family members and friends. The best by far was a Moroccan style dish made by his son Kevan (sans a recipe), but the one his daughter Justine served ran a very close second. Richard is also a good cook in his own right and introduced me to properly prepared tea and the joys of Sharon fruit and other delectables sold at the markets there.
I also learned I can’t cook on a gas cooker (stove) and that I can go three weeks without a computer, cell phone, microwave, dish washer and clothes dryer. Surprisingly, I missed the dryer the most!
In another vein, I found the British to be a friendly, well-mannered lot on the whole and, with the exception of some members of the older generation, I also discovered they don’t find it necessary to nod and/or speak to people they don’t know as we frequently do in Deep South, USA. They aren’t being rude. They don’t know you, therefore, see no need to acknowledge your presence. Makes sense to me.
Neither do they find the need to use unnecessary definite/indefinite articles. If you’re sick, you might be in hospital. Or if you are pursuing higher education, you’re said to be at University. You might even decide what to do in future while there.
Almost everyone I encountered had a phenomenally funny sense of humor despite the bleak economic forecast they and the rest of the globe are facing. It’s not that they aren’t taking important things seriously: they just refuse to let it get them completely down. Their quick, somewhat dry sense of humor makes it a pleasure simply to be in their company and all the jocularity provides an especially welcoming, comfortable atmosphere.
They had several laughs at my expense and didn’t mind when I laughed at them in return. One instance when I explained that knocking someone up does not mean knocking on a person’s door in America brought a hearty laugh and another idiom evolved from it. The person explaining it to his wife told her in the United States, knocking someone up means, “giving her one.” That was funny too but at least I understood it.
I can’t even begin to list all the other expressions and terms I learned. For instance, one’s partner is not necessarily a significant other of the same sex, as we tend to think of that phraseology here. Also, they do not have to be living together; just being in a long-term monogamous relationship qualifies.I could go on and on but unfortunately there would be nothing left to write about when I share entries from the journal I kept during my trip. Other relevant information and comments will also be included as I recall things I failed to enter into the diary. I’m looking forward to this project and I hope all of you are too.
They talk funny there, too!
“England and America are two countries separated by the same language.”
~ G.B. Shaw
“England and America are two countries separated by the same language.”
~ G.B. Shaw
Recently, I spent three weeks in England and they were probably the most relaxing, enjoyable ones of my life. The weather was typically March, windy and cool, but only two days of the “dreaded” rain I’d heard so much about. (I had planned to visit a little later but my friend Richard invited me to come for his birthday so I moved the trip up a little.) Most of my visit was spent in Essex and, other than at our home base of Chelmsford, we spent a lot of time utilizing public footpaths to explore the countryside and visit some the lovely little villages and landmarks there.
I had a great host and tour guide and saw many of the requisite sights in London but I didn’t rush around all the time trying to see and do everything only to wind up not enjoying any of it. Instead, I tried to assimilate myself into the day-to-day routine of Richard’s life and fit into his British lifestyle instead of being a typical tourist. I think I pretty much succeeded except that I’m quite sure he doesn’t ordinarily go to as many places as we did in the same length of time, but he and his friends and family do walk frequently, sometimes even going away for several days to explore other areas of the country. However, those treks are normally spread out over longer periods of time than our expeditions were.
We also paced ourselves, taking enough down time enough to relax and rejuvenate before starting the next activity and this made my time there much more enjoyable. Actually, I’m convinced that I was more worn out from all the family/friend activities than those long walks. That is, except for the two days we spend in London wandering about and seeing a play both evenings before taking the train back home. The trips on the train from Chelmsford to London were only 35 minutes long: it was all the wandering about we did in between those rides that nearly did me in.
Let me say here that it didn’t take very long at all to dispel the myth that British food and excellent cuisine don’t go together. I found the food there to be exceptionally good and the subtitle of this series, “Eating my way through Essex,” isn’t too far off the mark at all. As a matter of fact, I didn’t meet a pub or teahouse I didn’t like and I’m sure Richard will support this opinion wholeheartedly.
Even though I had several wonderful restaurant meals, the ones I enjoyed most were by prepared by Richard and his family members and friends. The best by far was a Moroccan style dish made by his son Kevan (sans a recipe), but the one his daughter Justine served ran a very close second. Richard is also a good cook in his own right and introduced me to properly prepared tea and the joys of Sharon fruit and other delectables sold at the markets there.
I also learned I can’t cook on a gas cooker (stove) and that I can go three weeks without a computer, cell phone, microwave, dish washer and clothes dryer. Surprisingly, I missed the dryer the most!
In another vein, I found the British to be a friendly, well-mannered lot on the whole and, with the exception of some members of the older generation, I also discovered they don’t find it necessary to nod and/or speak to people they don’t know as we frequently do in Deep South, USA. They aren’t being rude. They don’t know you, therefore, see no need to acknowledge your presence. Makes sense to me.
Neither do they find the need to use unnecessary definite/indefinite articles. If you’re sick, you might be in hospital. Or if you are pursuing higher education, you’re said to be at University. You might even decide what to do in future while there.
Almost everyone I encountered had a phenomenally funny sense of humor despite the bleak economic forecast they and the rest of the globe are facing. It’s not that they aren’t taking important things seriously: they just refuse to let it get them completely down. Their quick, somewhat dry sense of humor makes it a pleasure simply to be in their company and all the jocularity provides an especially welcoming, comfortable atmosphere.
They had several laughs at my expense and didn’t mind when I laughed at them in return. One instance when I explained that knocking someone up does not mean knocking on a person’s door in America brought a hearty laugh and another idiom evolved from it. The person explaining it to his wife told her in the United States, knocking someone up means, “giving her one.” That was funny too but at least I understood it.
I can’t even begin to list all the other expressions and terms I learned. For instance, one’s partner is not necessarily a significant other of the same sex, as we tend to think of that phraseology here. Also, they do not have to be living together; just being in a long-term monogamous relationship qualifies.I could go on and on but unfortunately there would be nothing left to write about when I share entries from the journal I kept during my trip. Other relevant information and comments will also be included as I recall things I failed to enter into the diary. I’m looking forward to this project and I hope all of you are too.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thoughts From Another Racing Mind
Cuz is still struggling with looking after my uncle while trying to maintain her own sanity so she took a cue from Thirtysomething and vented her own thoughts. I'm sharing them here because I'm too tired/lazy to write something original today. (Yes, I did finish my taxes.) Names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Dear *****,I just read your blog about scrambled thoughts and after I got through laughing was inspired to write one of my own due to the way my mind has been in recent days (weeks, months??) and thought you might enjoy seeing mine so here goes --- this house is beyond filthy if anyone drops by they'll have to stay on the porch need to get bathed and dressed so i can visit ** that place is so boring i need to go every day and help pass some time plus i need to pick up his laundry and take cooler packs for his cooler i hope i put the thawed ones in to refreeze better check must try to get his house ready before he gets to come home the wheelchair ramp has got to be painted wonder if it's going to rain for next two days have to get him to hospital for bloodwork too but need to do it when it's not raining need to find that person's name i wrote down wonder where in the world i put it so i can call and schedule it do i need to go ahead and get some of the equipment we'll need now or do i need to wait until we know his release date have i given the dogs their heartworm treatment oh lord i haven't looked at my calendar in i don't know when hope i didn't miss somebody's birthday i have to call the post office about moving his mailbox since he can't get across the yard to get to it in that blame wheelchair what can i take to him today that he'll like have i given amos his insulin shot yet i'll have to see if i wrote the time down on the fridge do i need to order more frontline for the dogs it's time for them to have that all the big cats are past due for their annual shots and now lacy is due for hers too i wonder when i'll have time to take all of them to the vet's thank goodness jobe and henry are doing well and aren't due anything what in the world can we have for supper tonight i wonder when the jeep place is going to get the parts in to fix my jeep it'll be so aggravating to take it out there and get a ride back home have to bother somebody to pick me up or wait for somebody out there to bring me i'm sick of driving the durango but i'm glad i do have another vehicle to drive how in the world am i going to pay for getting the jeep fixed there goes the money for my new glasses plus a whole lot more glad i have good credit why did the brakes have to go out now i need to look on my desk to see if i have any bills to pay have we paid all wp's i hope he's keeping up with what's due for him i can look in the bag in his mail and check this yard needs mowing so bad the new neighbors will think we're hillbillies if we don't get something done but ******* works all the time he can barely keep our yards mowed and now he's doing **'s too so no wonder the grass is so shaggy i've got to mail the thank-you notes to the men who built the wheelchair ramp out they really did a good job thank goodness for his church family who supplied the labor and materials for it it will really help out when he gets home i have to take *******'s vase back to her did i take the bowl back to *** from when she fixed him all that fresh fruit wonder when the physical therapist is going to schedule her home evaluation visit need to have his house cleaned before she goes especially the bathroom and kitchen and bedroom it's all dusty from being empty so long all that woodwork is pretty but it's a lot to polish i need to get up and get started on getting a bath and getting dressed and make a list i know i need potting soil so i can repot the pothos i can kill pothos and it's supposed to be so easy i bet **'s plants need watering and i need to uncover his fig trees if it's not going to frost anymore how do i know if it's going to frost or not with this crazy weather wonder what's up with ******** better call him later on and find out are he and ***** officially back together or what's happening with that is macy doing okay on the new medicine i wonder how the humane society did with the yard sale saturday we did pretty well the week before sorry i didn't get to work both days i missed being there it's fun besides raising money maybe next time i hope we made some money the shelter really needs it ----You get the idea! And I guess that some people think that being a stay-at-home mom or a retired person is easy!
Thanks for the inspiration; I'd been noticing how much my mind is racing around frantically in all directions trying to keep up with everything that's going on but hadn't thought to write it down. When things settle down I can look back and remind myself of all that was going on in my poor feeble brain!Love to you all, *******
Dear *****,I just read your blog about scrambled thoughts and after I got through laughing was inspired to write one of my own due to the way my mind has been in recent days (weeks, months??) and thought you might enjoy seeing mine so here goes --- this house is beyond filthy if anyone drops by they'll have to stay on the porch need to get bathed and dressed so i can visit ** that place is so boring i need to go every day and help pass some time plus i need to pick up his laundry and take cooler packs for his cooler i hope i put the thawed ones in to refreeze better check must try to get his house ready before he gets to come home the wheelchair ramp has got to be painted wonder if it's going to rain for next two days have to get him to hospital for bloodwork too but need to do it when it's not raining need to find that person's name i wrote down wonder where in the world i put it so i can call and schedule it do i need to go ahead and get some of the equipment we'll need now or do i need to wait until we know his release date have i given the dogs their heartworm treatment oh lord i haven't looked at my calendar in i don't know when hope i didn't miss somebody's birthday i have to call the post office about moving his mailbox since he can't get across the yard to get to it in that blame wheelchair what can i take to him today that he'll like have i given amos his insulin shot yet i'll have to see if i wrote the time down on the fridge do i need to order more frontline for the dogs it's time for them to have that all the big cats are past due for their annual shots and now lacy is due for hers too i wonder when i'll have time to take all of them to the vet's thank goodness jobe and henry are doing well and aren't due anything what in the world can we have for supper tonight i wonder when the jeep place is going to get the parts in to fix my jeep it'll be so aggravating to take it out there and get a ride back home have to bother somebody to pick me up or wait for somebody out there to bring me i'm sick of driving the durango but i'm glad i do have another vehicle to drive how in the world am i going to pay for getting the jeep fixed there goes the money for my new glasses plus a whole lot more glad i have good credit why did the brakes have to go out now i need to look on my desk to see if i have any bills to pay have we paid all wp's i hope he's keeping up with what's due for him i can look in the bag in his mail and check this yard needs mowing so bad the new neighbors will think we're hillbillies if we don't get something done but ******* works all the time he can barely keep our yards mowed and now he's doing **'s too so no wonder the grass is so shaggy i've got to mail the thank-you notes to the men who built the wheelchair ramp out they really did a good job thank goodness for his church family who supplied the labor and materials for it it will really help out when he gets home i have to take *******'s vase back to her did i take the bowl back to *** from when she fixed him all that fresh fruit wonder when the physical therapist is going to schedule her home evaluation visit need to have his house cleaned before she goes especially the bathroom and kitchen and bedroom it's all dusty from being empty so long all that woodwork is pretty but it's a lot to polish i need to get up and get started on getting a bath and getting dressed and make a list i know i need potting soil so i can repot the pothos i can kill pothos and it's supposed to be so easy i bet **'s plants need watering and i need to uncover his fig trees if it's not going to frost anymore how do i know if it's going to frost or not with this crazy weather wonder what's up with ******** better call him later on and find out are he and ***** officially back together or what's happening with that is macy doing okay on the new medicine i wonder how the humane society did with the yard sale saturday we did pretty well the week before sorry i didn't get to work both days i missed being there it's fun besides raising money maybe next time i hope we made some money the shelter really needs it ----You get the idea! And I guess that some people think that being a stay-at-home mom or a retired person is easy!
Thanks for the inspiration; I'd been noticing how much my mind is racing around frantically in all directions trying to keep up with everything that's going on but hadn't thought to write it down. When things settle down I can look back and remind myself of all that was going on in my poor feeble brain!Love to you all, *******
Monday, April 13, 2009
Feeling Doubly Blessed
I'm feeling doubly blessed tonight after seeing all the damages left by the storms last night. Power has been out all around me but mine has stayed on. So much damage and people hurt but our family escaped it all. We are grateful indeed.
Now to get that darn tax filed!
Now to get that darn tax filed!
Rainy Days and Mondays
Well, it's another rainy day. I shouldn't complain, we had such a nice gorgeous weekend, albeit a little windy. My kids just enjoy the outdoors so much and they get restless cooped up inside. It's only 10:15 and the girls are bickering back and forth, with one already standing in the corner for shoving her sister. They've played nicely most of the morning, but it's going to be a long day with DH working overtime and no end to the rain in immediate sight. There's only so many times I can afford or have the desire to take them to JumpZone or Chick Fil A, even with coupons.
Our new dog, Bear, whom we got last week, is working out nicely. Very sweet, loving, and mostly calm, but loves to play with (or harass) Ruby, our "old" pup. I think she vaciliates between enjoying it and thinking "leave me alone, darn it!!" They're going back and forth, restless because of not getting out. Ruby actually went on the deck and stood in the rain for a few minutes, I think to just get some time alone. I can relate.
At least I'll have some time alone this afternoon when I go to donate blood (yee-ha!). The neighbors have kindly agreed to babysit the girls since I definitely don't want to take them. Roo would be okay, but I've taken Little Bit before and she did not cotton to being confined to a stroller. She almost tipped it over struggling to get out, and I vowed to never again attempt THAT.
Our new dog, Bear, whom we got last week, is working out nicely. Very sweet, loving, and mostly calm, but loves to play with (or harass) Ruby, our "old" pup. I think she vaciliates between enjoying it and thinking "leave me alone, darn it!!" They're going back and forth, restless because of not getting out. Ruby actually went on the deck and stood in the rain for a few minutes, I think to just get some time alone. I can relate.
At least I'll have some time alone this afternoon when I go to donate blood (yee-ha!). The neighbors have kindly agreed to babysit the girls since I definitely don't want to take them. Roo would be okay, but I've taken Little Bit before and she did not cotton to being confined to a stroller. She almost tipped it over struggling to get out, and I vowed to never again attempt THAT.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Gotta wash that sugar right out of my hair
Easter was nice, save a bit of fussing from the little one. As noted, she and sister were definitely tanked up on sugar and excitement overload the last couple of days. It's been such a gorgeous day I've kept them outside practically all afternoon, though, and her temperament has definitely improved. I'm hoping all the running around will make the sugar metabolize through their little systems faster.
I don't know what's more fun in regards to children and holidays: the anticipation of them or the relief when it's over!!
I don't know what's more fun in regards to children and holidays: the anticipation of them or the relief when it's over!!
What A Great Day!
What a glorious day! It may rain tomorrow but it's beyond beautiful now. And all I've done is sleep! I don't know if jet lag has finally caught up with me or what but I fell asleep right after son #1 and I got back from Thirtysomething's. That is rare for me indeed.
Her mother-in-law furnished most of the delicious lunch but she, with her brother acting as sous chef, prepared extra vegetables, tea, and yeast rolls. With everyone's contribution, it turned out to be quite delicious and we all probably ate too much.
The girls were a little tanked up, probably sugar overload from Easter activities the past few days, and Mom banished the candy until another day. (They had already been through the Belgian chocolate truffle eggs I brought them from England.)
Speaking of sleeping: I promised to watch Little Bit for a while on Wednesday so I'd better rest up. I'll need all the energy I can get for sure!
Her mother-in-law furnished most of the delicious lunch but she, with her brother acting as sous chef, prepared extra vegetables, tea, and yeast rolls. With everyone's contribution, it turned out to be quite delicious and we all probably ate too much.
The girls were a little tanked up, probably sugar overload from Easter activities the past few days, and Mom banished the candy until another day. (They had already been through the Belgian chocolate truffle eggs I brought them from England.)
Speaking of sleeping: I promised to watch Little Bit for a while on Wednesday so I'd better rest up. I'll need all the energy I can get for sure!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
On my mind
Ever seen those "Minute Rice" advertisements in the magazines, where it's a page full of type mirroring what's going through a woman's head during the course of a day (with the point being that Minute Rice is something she can cook up and not have to think about)? That's what I feel like today, with anything and everything zooming through. With apologies to those who created this advertisement, here goes my version:
boy i'm tired did i turn the dishwasher on i hope my daughter doesn't get sick from too much easter candy at the party today check other daughter's arm where she left bunny sticker too long leaving hematoma-like mark geez could that mountain of clothes to fold get any bigger oh no, book review deadline is coming up soon and I haven't even finished reading the book I'd rather be reading my new cooking magazine or People issue I got from the library hope hubby doesn't find out how bad my late fines were because i forgot to renew the books where is good night little quack, anyway must look under bed in the morning hope kids zonk out and stay out soon so easter bunny can make his visit how long is easter mass going to last anyway, husband's been gone forever and was going to call after the service must stop gnoshing on jelly beans even though they are so yummy have interview wednesday what should i wear won't fit into anything if i keep eating so many jelly beans gee wonder where daughter's intense sweet tooth came from with a mother like this phew dog stinks why do dogs stink so bad post-bath great now she's lying on my clothes breathe must do daily online bank statement check to circumvent identity theft would like to get on facebook but must learn to curb growing online addiction and do more useful, productive things wish i could wave a magic wand and have these chores done.....
And that's just the last ten minutes. Could we harness the collective womens' thoughts, we would be completely energy independent, I am convinced.
Happy Easter, everybody.
boy i'm tired did i turn the dishwasher on i hope my daughter doesn't get sick from too much easter candy at the party today check other daughter's arm where she left bunny sticker too long leaving hematoma-like mark geez could that mountain of clothes to fold get any bigger oh no, book review deadline is coming up soon and I haven't even finished reading the book I'd rather be reading my new cooking magazine or People issue I got from the library hope hubby doesn't find out how bad my late fines were because i forgot to renew the books where is good night little quack, anyway must look under bed in the morning hope kids zonk out and stay out soon so easter bunny can make his visit how long is easter mass going to last anyway, husband's been gone forever and was going to call after the service must stop gnoshing on jelly beans even though they are so yummy have interview wednesday what should i wear won't fit into anything if i keep eating so many jelly beans gee wonder where daughter's intense sweet tooth came from with a mother like this phew dog stinks why do dogs stink so bad post-bath great now she's lying on my clothes breathe must do daily online bank statement check to circumvent identity theft would like to get on facebook but must learn to curb growing online addiction and do more useful, productive things wish i could wave a magic wand and have these chores done.....
And that's just the last ten minutes. Could we harness the collective womens' thoughts, we would be completely energy independent, I am convinced.
Happy Easter, everybody.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wild Weather (Again)
This weather is driving me bonkers. First, I freeze to death at 28 degrees, then I roast at 80+, and tonight I thought for a bit we were going to be blown away. Very happy that it finally seems to be subsiding even though the lights keep dimming a little every now and then.
I'm glad I had my walk early today or I wouldn't have gotten one at all. I love just rambling around Piedmont Park. There are so many different things going on there at once that's it hard to take it all in.
In a very short time, I've seen lawn bowling; yoga classes; adults (old and young) flying colorful kites; adults trying to get kites unstuck from trees; picnicking; tug-of war (adults); children playing; children whining; people reading, taking photos, or lying around soaking up the sun (when we had sun); people walking dogs; dogs walking people; photographers taking engagement pictures; ducks; geese; so much more!
And the trees and flowers are breathtaking. The Yoshino Cherries and white Dogwoods were on their last legs when I got back from England but the Kwanzan Cherries and Pink Dogwoods are in their glory now as well as several wild flowers I can't name. I'm so lucky to have this next door!
I'm glad I had my walk early today or I wouldn't have gotten one at all. I love just rambling around Piedmont Park. There are so many different things going on there at once that's it hard to take it all in.
In a very short time, I've seen lawn bowling; yoga classes; adults (old and young) flying colorful kites; adults trying to get kites unstuck from trees; picnicking; tug-of war (adults); children playing; children whining; people reading, taking photos, or lying around soaking up the sun (when we had sun); people walking dogs; dogs walking people; photographers taking engagement pictures; ducks; geese; so much more!
And the trees and flowers are breathtaking. The Yoshino Cherries and white Dogwoods were on their last legs when I got back from England but the Kwanzan Cherries and Pink Dogwoods are in their glory now as well as several wild flowers I can't name. I'm so lucky to have this next door!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Glad to be Back!
I am so glad to be back in Atlanta! The traffic from Macon was stop and start almost all the way with no apparent reason, then a wreck right in town shut 75 down ~ before my exit of course. It seemed as if it took forever just to get to my apartment. More later!
And Thirtysomething, your "inheritance" is definitely in danger. I got prices on new tires today and they range from just a little under $900 to more than $1200. Ouch!
And Thirtysomething, your "inheritance" is definitely in danger. I got prices on new tires today and they range from just a little under $900 to more than $1200. Ouch!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Not April for Me!
Maybe when T. S. Eliot said April was "the cruelest month," he meant this strange weather that's afflicting us now.
On the other hand, he didn't have what I have lined up for May coming down on his shoulders or he might have changed that line. You'd think with my being a Taurus, I might look forward to it. Wrong. Too many birthdays already! Also, I find several large bills are due all at once.
Not only do I have to pay taxes (and get a tag) for my car, the insurance on it is also due then. Now, with small town politicians fussing and feuding and dragging their feet, county and city taxes are due on my house on May 20 instead of January as it should be. I'd already braced myself for car insurance and car taxes but this is a bit too much!
On the other hand, he didn't have what I have lined up for May coming down on his shoulders or he might have changed that line. You'd think with my being a Taurus, I might look forward to it. Wrong. Too many birthdays already! Also, I find several large bills are due all at once.
Not only do I have to pay taxes (and get a tag) for my car, the insurance on it is also due then. Now, with small town politicians fussing and feuding and dragging their feet, county and city taxes are due on my house on May 20 instead of January as it should be. I'd already braced myself for car insurance and car taxes but this is a bit too much!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Crossing My Fingers
I'm crossing my fingers, wishing, hoping, praying, etc. that I finally have the kinks (most anyway) worked out of this new computer. It took most of the day yesterday, working in spurts with interval bouts of wondering if I had lost my mind, before getting to the point I can actually use it without thinking evil thoughts. So much for "easy" transfer cables!
All this aggravation is the main reason I've put off buying another one ~ I knew it would never be as easy as it seems to be. It never is, but in a moment of weakness (and a memory lapse about how much trouble it was switching over last time) I bit the bullet and decided to go for it.
I'm sure I will be pleased in the long run, probably to the point of not remembering all this aggravation by the time I need another one. In the meantime, I have to get cracking on my income tax. I just remembed this week that I had totally forgotten it was time to file!
Speaking of taxes, it's time for me to start getting ready for church. Wonder if that's a sign I need all the help I can get?
All this aggravation is the main reason I've put off buying another one ~ I knew it would never be as easy as it seems to be. It never is, but in a moment of weakness (and a memory lapse about how much trouble it was switching over last time) I bit the bullet and decided to go for it.
I'm sure I will be pleased in the long run, probably to the point of not remembering all this aggravation by the time I need another one. In the meantime, I have to get cracking on my income tax. I just remembed this week that I had totally forgotten it was time to file!
Speaking of taxes, it's time for me to start getting ready for church. Wonder if that's a sign I need all the help I can get?
Friday, April 3, 2009
No Sushi Yet?
I haven't heard any crying and moaning from Thirtysomething's direction so I'm assuming the newest "grand-fish" are still among the living. They'd better watch irritating Big Mama though. She might have them for an entree.
The problem with the computer cable has finally been resolved but not until after I hauled the "easy" transfer cable and both computers to Best Buy. The first member of the Geek Squad informed me off the bat that something was wrong with my hard drive because the old one was loading so slowly.
Duh! Why did he think I bought a new one? If that one had had enough memory and a lightning fast processor, I wouldn't have been shopping in the first place! He also said it would cost $159.00 for them to retrieve the data. Well, since I had just used the darn thing before I left home, I knew he was way off base and I didn't appreciate him dissing my computer anyway.
I got another Geek on the case and this one quickly determined the disk that came with the cable was defective. Figures I would be the person to get the bad one.
Anyway, I brought them back home and started the transfer. I still have to load some stuff manually but at least that got most of it done More later when I haven't had such a long day!
The problem with the computer cable has finally been resolved but not until after I hauled the "easy" transfer cable and both computers to Best Buy. The first member of the Geek Squad informed me off the bat that something was wrong with my hard drive because the old one was loading so slowly.
Duh! Why did he think I bought a new one? If that one had had enough memory and a lightning fast processor, I wouldn't have been shopping in the first place! He also said it would cost $159.00 for them to retrieve the data. Well, since I had just used the darn thing before I left home, I knew he was way off base and I didn't appreciate him dissing my computer anyway.
I got another Geek on the case and this one quickly determined the disk that came with the cable was defective. Figures I would be the person to get the bad one.
Anyway, I brought them back home and started the transfer. I still have to load some stuff manually but at least that got most of it done More later when I haven't had such a long day!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Introducing Nonnie and Wanda
Glad Mom's not having any problems with confidence, as evidenced from the last posting ;-)
Today was rainy and dreary. The girls and I went to Petsmart today to buy some more fish food, and somehow we ended up with two more goldfish. Actually, I know how...the 2 1/2 year old wrapped her arms around my waist and said "Mama, Brayda needs a new friend!" Oh, well. There went the resolve to buy fish food only, ooh and ahh over the other small creatures, and book it outta there.
I thought Brayda might actually enjoy some company, but I was sadly mistaken. I never knew a fish could look p* off, but this one did!! She was very displeased-looking that I introduced newcomers to her tank, particularly when one of them kept swimming around and aggravating her. We'll have to see how this develops. Hopefully, they'll all make nice and learn to tolerate each other.
Little Bit has had a stomach-thing on and off again the last several days, and it cropped up this afternoon again. I'm getting a little concerned, but just hoping it's the last gasp of another one of the stomach bugs that seem to be circulating around here. I called the pediatrician and the nurse mentioned there was a nasty diarrhea/vomiting bug going around and I informed her we had already "been there, done that" a few weeks ago. They're saying to amp up her starches and give it a couple more days, so we'll do that. Monday, if I'm not seeing a marked improvement, she's going in.
The older one has been driving me crazy today. She's definitely going to be ready for Kindergarten this fall, or at least I will be!
Today was rainy and dreary. The girls and I went to Petsmart today to buy some more fish food, and somehow we ended up with two more goldfish. Actually, I know how...the 2 1/2 year old wrapped her arms around my waist and said "Mama, Brayda needs a new friend!" Oh, well. There went the resolve to buy fish food only, ooh and ahh over the other small creatures, and book it outta there.
I thought Brayda might actually enjoy some company, but I was sadly mistaken. I never knew a fish could look p* off, but this one did!! She was very displeased-looking that I introduced newcomers to her tank, particularly when one of them kept swimming around and aggravating her. We'll have to see how this develops. Hopefully, they'll all make nice and learn to tolerate each other.
Little Bit has had a stomach-thing on and off again the last several days, and it cropped up this afternoon again. I'm getting a little concerned, but just hoping it's the last gasp of another one of the stomach bugs that seem to be circulating around here. I called the pediatrician and the nurse mentioned there was a nasty diarrhea/vomiting bug going around and I informed her we had already "been there, done that" a few weeks ago. They're saying to amp up her starches and give it a couple more days, so we'll do that. Monday, if I'm not seeing a marked improvement, she's going in.
The older one has been driving me crazy today. She's definitely going to be ready for Kindergarten this fall, or at least I will be!
Still Playing Catch-Up
I don't know when/if I will every get caught up and things will be back to normal, whatever that passes for. All these photos to edit, articles to write, and still struggling with moving files to the new computer. Didn't get back to Best Buy today because I slept late and by the time I was ready to get out, darn rain had moved back in again!
On a lighter note, son #1 told me last night he guessed he was going to have to stop going to Flying Biscuit because all they did was talk about me. Hmm, wonder does if he's jealous because they like me best? Along the same lines, communications from England tell me the people there like me too. Maybe I should share my charm tips with him.
I do promise to do better soon, just not saying how soon!
On a lighter note, son #1 told me last night he guessed he was going to have to stop going to Flying Biscuit because all they did was talk about me. Hmm, wonder does if he's jealous because they like me best? Along the same lines, communications from England tell me the people there like me too. Maybe I should share my charm tips with him.
I do promise to do better soon, just not saying how soon!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Have Patience
I know I promised more on my trip but I'm lagging behind a bit. My computer seems to be on its last legs so I took time to go out and get another one. On the surface, it seemed like a good idea but for some reason, the software for the Easy-Transfer cable won't load onto the old computer so that I can move my files without having to reinstall everything. (Should have known that was too good to be true!) I'm afraid I wasted that $35.
I suppose I'll have to call the Geek Squad or someone to rescue me. I'm really not too keen on that though since one of them told me last Monday that he didn't know much about computers! I wanted to hold off writing much on this one so if it gives up the ghost I won't lose a lot of work. Maybe soon...
I suppose I'll have to call the Geek Squad or someone to rescue me. I'm really not too keen on that though since one of them told me last Monday that he didn't know much about computers! I wanted to hold off writing much on this one so if it gives up the ghost I won't lose a lot of work. Maybe soon...
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