Monday, April 6, 2009

Not April for Me!

Maybe when T. S. Eliot said April was "the cruelest month," he meant this strange weather that's afflicting us now.

On the other hand, he didn't have what I have lined up for May coming down on his shoulders or he might have changed that line. You'd think with my being a Taurus, I might look forward to it. Wrong. Too many birthdays already! Also, I find several large bills are due all at once.

Not only do I have to pay taxes (and get a tag) for my car, the insurance on it is also due then. Now, with small town politicians fussing and feuding and dragging their feet, county and city taxes are due on my house on May 20 instead of January as it should be. I'd already braced myself for car insurance and car taxes but this is a bit too much!


Thirtysomethingmama said...

*sigh* There goes the inheritance I was counting on...

Life After 60 said...

And that didn't include the price I just got for new tires!