Saturday, April 11, 2009

On my mind

Ever seen those "Minute Rice" advertisements in the magazines, where it's a page full of type mirroring what's going through a woman's head during the course of a day (with the point being that Minute Rice is something she can cook up and not have to think about)? That's what I feel like today, with anything and everything zooming through. With apologies to those who created this advertisement, here goes my version:

boy i'm tired did i turn the dishwasher on i hope my daughter doesn't get sick from too much easter candy at the party today check other daughter's arm where she left bunny sticker too long leaving hematoma-like mark geez could that mountain of clothes to fold get any bigger oh no, book review deadline is coming up soon and I haven't even finished reading the book I'd rather be reading my new cooking magazine or People issue I got from the library hope hubby doesn't find out how bad my late fines were because i forgot to renew the books where is good night little quack, anyway must look under bed in the morning hope kids zonk out and stay out soon so easter bunny can make his visit how long is easter mass going to last anyway, husband's been gone forever and was going to call after the service must stop gnoshing on jelly beans even though they are so yummy have interview wednesday what should i wear won't fit into anything if i keep eating so many jelly beans gee wonder where daughter's intense sweet tooth came from with a mother like this phew dog stinks why do dogs stink so bad post-bath great now she's lying on my clothes breathe must do daily online bank statement check to circumvent identity theft would like to get on facebook but must learn to curb growing online addiction and do more useful, productive things wish i could wave a magic wand and have these chores done.....

And that's just the last ten minutes. Could we harness the collective womens' thoughts, we would be completely energy independent, I am convinced.

Happy Easter, everybody.

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