Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thoughts From Another Racing Mind

Cuz is still struggling with looking after my uncle while trying to maintain her own sanity so she took a cue from Thirtysomething and vented her own thoughts. I'm sharing them here because I'm too tired/lazy to write something original today. (Yes, I did finish my taxes.) Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Dear *****,I just read your blog about scrambled thoughts and after I got through laughing was inspired to write one of my own due to the way my mind has been in recent days (weeks, months??) and thought you might enjoy seeing mine so here goes --- this house is beyond filthy if anyone drops by they'll have to stay on the porch need to get bathed and dressed so i can visit ** that place is so boring i need to go every day and help pass some time plus i need to pick up his laundry and take cooler packs for his cooler i hope i put the thawed ones in to refreeze better check must try to get his house ready before he gets to come home the wheelchair ramp has got to be painted wonder if it's going to rain for next two days have to get him to hospital for bloodwork too but need to do it when it's not raining need to find that person's name i wrote down wonder where in the world i put it so i can call and schedule it do i need to go ahead and get some of the equipment we'll need now or do i need to wait until we know his release date have i given the dogs their heartworm treatment oh lord i haven't looked at my calendar in i don't know when hope i didn't miss somebody's birthday i have to call the post office about moving his mailbox since he can't get across the yard to get to it in that blame wheelchair what can i take to him today that he'll like have i given amos his insulin shot yet i'll have to see if i wrote the time down on the fridge do i need to order more frontline for the dogs it's time for them to have that all the big cats are past due for their annual shots and now lacy is due for hers too i wonder when i'll have time to take all of them to the vet's thank goodness jobe and henry are doing well and aren't due anything what in the world can we have for supper tonight i wonder when the jeep place is going to get the parts in to fix my jeep it'll be so aggravating to take it out there and get a ride back home have to bother somebody to pick me up or wait for somebody out there to bring me i'm sick of driving the durango but i'm glad i do have another vehicle to drive how in the world am i going to pay for getting the jeep fixed there goes the money for my new glasses plus a whole lot more glad i have good credit why did the brakes have to go out now i need to look on my desk to see if i have any bills to pay have we paid all wp's i hope he's keeping up with what's due for him i can look in the bag in his mail and check this yard needs mowing so bad the new neighbors will think we're hillbillies if we don't get something done but ******* works all the time he can barely keep our yards mowed and now he's doing **'s too so no wonder the grass is so shaggy i've got to mail the thank-you notes to the men who built the wheelchair ramp out they really did a good job thank goodness for his church family who supplied the labor and materials for it it will really help out when he gets home i have to take *******'s vase back to her did i take the bowl back to *** from when she fixed him all that fresh fruit wonder when the physical therapist is going to schedule her home evaluation visit need to have his house cleaned before she goes especially the bathroom and kitchen and bedroom it's all dusty from being empty so long all that woodwork is pretty but it's a lot to polish i need to get up and get started on getting a bath and getting dressed and make a list i know i need potting soil so i can repot the pothos i can kill pothos and it's supposed to be so easy i bet **'s plants need watering and i need to uncover his fig trees if it's not going to frost anymore how do i know if it's going to frost or not with this crazy weather wonder what's up with ******** better call him later on and find out are he and ***** officially back together or what's happening with that is macy doing okay on the new medicine i wonder how the humane society did with the yard sale saturday we did pretty well the week before sorry i didn't get to work both days i missed being there it's fun besides raising money maybe next time i hope we made some money the shelter really needs it ----You get the idea! And I guess that some people think that being a stay-at-home mom or a retired person is easy!

Thanks for the inspiration; I'd been noticing how much my mind is racing around frantically in all directions trying to keep up with everything that's going on but hadn't thought to write it down. When things settle down I can look back and remind myself of all that was going on in my poor feeble brain!Love to you all, *******

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