Friday, April 10, 2009

Wild Weather (Again)

This weather is driving me bonkers. First, I freeze to death at 28 degrees, then I roast at 80+, and tonight I thought for a bit we were going to be blown away. Very happy that it finally seems to be subsiding even though the lights keep dimming a little every now and then.

I'm glad I had my walk early today or I wouldn't have gotten one at all. I love just rambling around Piedmont Park. There are so many different things going on there at once that's it hard to take it all in.

In a very short time, I've seen lawn bowling; yoga classes; adults (old and young) flying colorful kites; adults trying to get kites unstuck from trees; picnicking; tug-of war (adults); children playing; children whining; people reading, taking photos, or lying around soaking up the sun (when we had sun); people walking dogs; dogs walking people; photographers taking engagement pictures; ducks; geese; so much more!

And the trees and flowers are breathtaking. The Yoshino Cherries and white Dogwoods were on their last legs when I got back from England but the Kwanzan Cherries and Pink Dogwoods are in their glory now as well as several wild flowers I can't name. I'm so lucky to have this next door!

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