Saturday, April 25, 2009

Beautiful Saturday

It's a lovely day, though expected to be hot. The girls are kind of messing around, it's taken an hour for the older one to brush and get dressed to go out. Bit doesn't feel like going out, she's busy playing with her blocks and animals.

I went out with some girlfriends from the neighborhood last evening. I was supposed to be hosting Bunco, but we had so few people able to come that we decided to do this as an alternative. Lots of fun, we went to a kind of seedy local bar that had surprisingly good food and some very colorful characters. It was nice to step out of myself for awhile and do something completely different, you know?

DH is working today, he went in at 5:00 this morning and is hoping to be done by about 3:00. I miss him very much, he's probably worked close to 70 hours this week after today. No complaints, though, that means business is going well. Also, I just heard from a long distance friend whose husband has had to take a contract position in Iraq. He's a firefighter, but their high medical costs for their daughter, who has a debilitating disease, and the terrible economy have necessitated that they make this decision to stay financially afloat. I feel so bad for them and feel any problems I may have pale by comparison. Here I am, missing my hubby and she won't even see hers, who is doing very dangerous work, for four months, when he might be able to come back for a visit. And one of her daughters with medical issues to boot. We are indeed very, very fortunate.

1 comment:

Life After 60 said...

Slumming again?