Sunday, July 19, 2009


Remember the funny song that was used on "Hee Haw?" One line goes something like "if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." That seems to be my mantra for the past few weeks or else Murphy's law is working triple time on me.

My optometrist has been pushing me about trying Restatsis drops because my left eye has been dry. I had Smart Plugs put in but the left one would not adapt and the opthamologist took both out even though the right one was fine and I told him that. Don't know where the communication gap went wrong there. Anyway, I finally agreed yesterday to give this stuff a try even though I really was not comfortable with it. Bad decision but I should have listening to my gut. It's usually right.

Put the first dosage in about noon and by last night, the stabbing pain in my left eye got so bad that my face was sore. Sure enough, I had a reaction to the darn things and of course the doctor had left for the day by the time it got noticeably bad.

I did learn though this: Restatis = chemical conjunctivitis = almost four hours in the ER after just one drop in each eye! From now on, I am going to follow my own instincts and refuse to try something just because a doctor keeps insisting it is safe. Expensive lesson!

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