Monday, July 20, 2009

Wise Words

Whomever coined the expression "Leave well enough alone" obviously had children. The girls were putting water balloons up to their mouth to blow in them. I explained that these were not balloons to blow with their mouth, that they were too small and they could swallow them. The conversation that ensued:

Roo: Why are the balloons too small for our mouths? What would happen if we swallowed them?
Me: (with a little dramatic flair due to raging headache brought on by an awful potty training day with Little Bit): You would choke on them and die!
Roo: But Mama, you told me I won't die until I'm really really old.
Me: Well, it doesn't matter how old you are if you get a balloon stuck in your throat and I can't get it out.
Roo: But Heaven is a happy place where there's no pain anymore. If I died with the balloon stuck in my throat, I wouldn't be hurting anymore.
Me: Well, God's not ready for you yet!!!

Next time, "because I said so" will suffice.

1 comment:

Life After 60 said...

LOL, you're learning!