Saturday, January 2, 2010


Just to ensure that her Daddy and I don't get accustomed to having a good night's sleep on a regular basis, Little Bit decided to throw us another curveball about 3:00 a.m. She came into our bedroom, sniffing and sneezing like crazy. My first thoughts are, oh no, here we go AGAIN! Not another cold after finally kicking croup and pneumonia...please, God, give us a break. I gave her some Triaminic and after a potty break and nose-wiping, she finally fell asleep next to me. I, of course, lay awake for a couple of hours thinking, is it another cold or an allergy to something? No fever (yet), so might be an allergy. Oh, Lord, is she allergic to the dogs? What will we do if we have to find them another home??? And on and on and on....

After not sneezing the rest of the night/morning, she woke up and as soon as she sat upright began sneezing again. After a particularly hard sneeze, she picked up something that flew out of her nose and handed it to me, saying, "Look, Mama, what came out of my nose!" It was a nice big wad of plastic remnant from the straw from her juice box the night before. This was apparently the culprit behind all the sneezing and sniffling. When I asked why on earth she did that, she said "Because I wasn't sick." Go and translate THAT one.

This is the second time she has shoved something into her nose, the first time being a little wad of tissue. We suspected something in her nose then, but an examination with a flashlight produced nothing since apparently it was shoved so deep in there.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...she'd better find us a darned good nursing home in our old age, because she has aged us several years in the three short ones she has been here. She's lucky God made her so cute.....

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