Sunday, January 3, 2010

OMG, it’s hereditary!

Okay, I knew TS cost us a trip to the ER when was about the same age Little Bit is now. Seems she crammed a piece of foil from a candy wrapper up her nose so far we couldn’t reach it. What I did not know, or remember anyway, was that Cuz’s son suffered from the same affliction. This is what she wrote:

Okay, deja' vu, genetics and family history strike again. Evidently there is somewhere in our DNA the "let's stuff foreign objects up our nose, it's SO much fun" gene.

TS, you probably don't remember but-----

B*******'s only 2 trips to the ER as a toddler were the results of his sticking a watermelon seed, and after that was so enjoyable, a pea, up his nose. Both episodes took place while we were eating (we would look at each other and say, "But we were both SITTING RIGHT THERE!") and I guess he just thought that if food was good to put in his mouth, it would be good to stick up his nose too.

The first time, neither the ER doctor nor his pediatrician could find the watermelon seed and he was sent to an ENT who didn't find it either so evidently it either came back out or went on down between the time he stuck it WAY up there and when we arrived at the ER. Even though there were no visible results from all the medical attention, there were still sizeable bills.

The second time, a particularly effective sneeze while we were waiting for his pediatrician blew the pea across the ER floor and we were able to leave before any probing and prodding took place, but alas, not before another ER bill was incurred.

The first time we were very understanding since he didn't know any better. The second time, not so much, since he KNEW better even though he didn't DO better. After that, if he stuck something up his nose, we didn't find out about it.

Good luck to y'all as Little Bit follows so closely in her cousin B*******'s footsteps through a never-ever-boring childhood. We somehow managed to survive as did he (his parents' healthy fear of jail time may have helped) but of course you are aware that we did NOT survive with much of our intellect left! Our prayers are with you--------Love, Cuz

Scary, isn’t it?

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