Saturday, January 2, 2010

Random Musings

I don't care what circumstances brings homeless people to the streets, it still pains me to the core to see someone wrapped up as much as he can possibly manage, sleeping on a park bench in sub freezing weather like this morning. Or under a bridge like those we saw in all that cold rain earlier this week. I felt guilty about being in a warm car on the way to brunch today. It could easily be me there instead.

I was behind a car on 17th today (taking the back way home to avoid I-75 bottleneck) and I did a double take at the car stopped ahead of me at a traffic light. What I thought was a toy kitten turned out to be a real one, a cute little calico number. She raised her head and looked around at everything inquisitively but as soon as the car pulled away, she promptly laid it back down and seemed to go right back to sleep. Seeing her look so contented and realizing the obvious love the family has for her really warmed me.

On a funny note, there’s a house on Bohler near my condo that has as many inflatable Christmas things as they can fit into their yard and believe me, that’s a considerable number. (All that’s visible beside the decorations is the driveway.) It’s an older, ranch style house set among some much more expensive ones and I have to say it has been a great source of personal amusement every time I drive by. I couldn’t help laughing aloud yesterday morning when I passed and saw a pickup backed in beside one of the figures ringing the outside perimeter. Somehow, that seemed appropriate. Pickup aside though, they definitely have the Christmas spirit!

Santa finally found a Shaggy on eBay. Not only that, it also includes Scooby Doo and the nice lady is throwing in an extra figure that sounds like Velma from the description. How’s that for another example of real Christmas spirit!?!

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