Sunday, September 21, 2008

Voice Crying in the Wilderness (or "Cyber"ness)

Lately, I seem to be the lone voice in this little corner of cyberspace and it's beginning to feel a little claustrophobic. I know Thirtysomething feels as though she is running in place most days just trying to keep up with my lovely (and very busy) little granddaughters but I was hoping she could take a breather and check in at least semi-regularly.

With her birthday and the youngest one's coming up shortly, maybe she will have some good stuff to dish soon. We're waiting for you, dear.

It seems my male offspring thinks he is above the fray or is just too intimidated to share his true feelings. (Looks as though someone needs to have a come-to-Jesus talk to him about obeying his mother.) I don't want to be too harsh though. He's been most generous with his condo and has promised to leave me the key again next weekend and I don't want to jeopardize that. Not yet, anyway. :)

Even though my weekend plans tanked, I have been talking a lot to a very sweet guy who likes me too so things are definitely looking up. More on this later if I don't scare him off first.

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