Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is Anybody Out There?

Well, she hasn't posted in a couple of days, which must mean she's feeling bad! Usually, I'm the one who has to play catch-up. I have to be fair, though, a broken foot and out of country houseguest are certainly valid excuses ;-)

I took Little Bit to have bloodwork done for celiac disease today. She has had so many problems with wheat and done so well after we took it out of her diet that I just feel we need to know if we're dealing with a sensitivity or a more permanent thing. If she tests positive with the antibodies, the doctor will want to do an endoscopy to confirm it. From what I've read, the blood test is about 90% accurate. If she doesn't have elevated antibodies, then we should be able to assume it's a sensitivity unless symptoms persist later on down the road. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that's all it is! Although it could certainly be worse, following a strict gluten-free diet in our gluten-choked world is quite difficult, especially for a two year old who loves to eat everything.

I felt so sorry for an elderly man in the lab today. He was very frail and I heard him tell the phlebotomist that he'd just gotten out of the hospital after a two week stay. When I get to feeling sorry for myself, I ask myself if I'd like to trade places with someone like that and, of course, the answer is always a resounding "no." Even when my two year old looks down my shirt and my bra is apparently showing cleavage and she says "Mommy butt?!" in a very loud and puzzled manner in earshot of everyone. *sigh*

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