Monday, October 27, 2008

Know What You Mean

I definitely understand about not seeming to hit bottom, even with so much de-junking. I have an unspoken rule that for every one thing that comes in the house, another thing has to go out, usually through donation. Even with a large house, we have to continually "weed" to make sure that we're not overwhelmed with stuff. Most of it is actually hand-me-downs and not things we've purchased (furniture, large items, etc.) so I don't feel too bad about passing it along. Case in point, we were offered a hot tub from one of our neighbors. DH, without thinking, said "Sure, we'll take it!" Killjoy that I am, I pointed out to him that we have no room for it. It would completely take up our back deck, and we have no level spot in the backyard. Not to mention it takes eight men to move it, and that's without any water in it. Also not to mention that he's working six days a week and would have no time to construct anything to hold it.

We hosted a Halloween/neighborhood party yesterday and it was lots of fun. Didn't get to bed until midnight, but definitely worth it. That's a definite positive about having kids (especially one who loves to socialize), that it forces you out of your comfort zone and makes you get out there and initiate things. I didn't realize until I had our first one how much I enjoy hosting get-togethers and having company over. I think when LifeAfter60 moves to a more "happening" atmosphere that she's going to discover how much she enjoys things like that, too.

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