Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Apologies

I didn't realize it has been two days since I posted. My apologies for being lax. The editor asked me to cover two different community events, one on Monday and one last night, so with doing that, getting it written up, and trying to get ready to head to Gulfport this morning, I just let the time slip away. Oh, and having a house guest added more to my usually very quiet and dull schedule but I'm not complaining. It's been very nice having someone else here and seeing this little town through different eyes. Still don't want to be here but interesting to see and hear a new perspective.

I guess after this I have to go cold turkey from the computer unless I luck up and find a wireless service to log in with while I'm gone. I will check in as soon as I can though. Thirtysomething says she will try to pick some of the slack during the next few days but she has guests too so we shall see.

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