Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quoting Our "Shy" Cousin

Even though she reads this blog faithfully and has been invited to post, our cousin is still resisting. However, she sent some interesting email so I am posting it for her (with names changed to protect the guilty).

This note was in response to a remark about Little Bit's notoriously short fuse:

"Reading Thirtysomething's stories brings back lots of lovely (HA HA) memories of when my angelic-looking son was that age! (Probably yours too - could they all be related or something?) It's much more enjoyable reading about and looking back on than it is when you're actually living it! And yet despite driving us crazy (-ier) and causing us to want to beat them on a daily basis and move away leaving no forwarding address, they turned out fine! Who knew? "

I said, "It's always more fun to see it than live it. Of course, Thirtysomething was so calm I didn't have those problems with her. She's just getting payback her brother deserves, I guess."

And she replied, "Life is SO unfair. She had to live with him growing up and now she gets his payback too! Poor baby. She needs to leave both girls with (brother) for a few days so that he'll have some of his own payback. She can go away somewhere and get some sleep!"

Now cuz, see how interesting you sound!

1 comment:

Thirtysomethingmama said...

And she is so obviously brilliant, too!! Now if I could only convince my hubby about the going away by myself and getting some sleep, I'd be in good shape.